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Bernie Sanders is leading a charge of Senators calling on the DOJ to prosecute Big Oil for their decades of lies to deny science and cover up their climate crimes – all while raking in record profits. 

Last year we supported Rep. Ro Khanna as he grilled fossil fuel execs under oath. Just like Big Tobacco, which has paid $206 billion dollars for lying to the public about the dangers of smoking, Big Oil is next. 

Meanwhile, as climate chaos rages across the globe, Joe Manchin and his Big Oil buddies are pushing the President to green light more fossil fuel projects and eyeing upcoming must-pass legislation like the Farm Bill to sneak in their dirty deals. 

Our Revolution and allies like Greenpeace are working together to demand the Biden Administration to declare a climate emergency and use its power to stop Big Oil’s climate denial before it’s too late. 

We can’t let carbon cronies gut our bedrock environmental laws, exclude the public from democratic input on projects, and build their polluting projects anywhere they want.