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Kamala Harris chooses progressive Gov. Tim Walz as VP


Kamala Harris’ selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her VP is great news for progressives! As Bernie Sanders said, “he will deliver for the working families of the US.”


Walz is a proven progressive who has successfully delivered on reproductive rights, clean energy, stronger labor protections, paid leave, free school meals, cannabis legalization, affordable housing, and gun safety — and just as important: he knows how to beat Republicans.

Polls show Harris and Trump are TIED, but adding Walz to the ticket gives us a fighting chance. This amazing news has progressives fired up, but this is still a razor tight race and we have work to do!


Choosing a Midwesterner committed to a working class agenda will make the ticket more competitive in key battleground states — but now we need to get to work! Donate to our Swing State Fund TODAY.


“The selection of Tim Walz as the vice-presidential nominee shows the Harris campaign is listening to the voices of progressives,” Joseph Geevarghese, Our Revolution Executive Director, told The New York Times this morning.


Tim Walz — a former high school teacher, football coach, and military veteran —  defeated a six-term Republican incumbent to represent a red district in Congress before becoming a popular two-term governor.


He knows how to beat Republicans and that’s critical right now, because the polls show the presidential race is neck and neck, especially in the midwest.

Our goal is to raise $1.2 MILLION to deploy our voter turnout machine in all the swing states. For every $1 donated, we can make 5 voter contacts in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina.


With less than 100 days to go before Election Day, we need to maximize our voter outreach, break the tie in the polls, and make sure we win the electoral college to stop Trump’s return to the White House.


“Governor Walz’s strong pro-labor record and dedication to working-class issues align with our movement’s goals to take on corporate power and create an economy that works for everyone,” Our Revolution Executive Director, Joseph Geevarghese told The Guardian. “His leadership in Minnesota, from expanding workers’ rights to tackling corporate influence, showcases his commitment to policies that benefit the many, not the few.”


Joseph continued, “As we face increasing challenges both domestically and abroad, it is crucial that our leaders address the concerns of those skeptical of the United States’ support for policies that exacerbate conflict and injustice, such as the current situation in Gaza. Our Revolution stands firm in advocating for a foreign policy that prioritizes peace, justice, and the protection of human rights. We urge the Harris-Walz ticket to engage thoughtfully and meaningfully with these critical issues.”


According to a recent survey fielded by Our Revolution, respondents made clear that their enthusiasm for Harris is tied to her willingness to take on the corporate elite and powerful special interests, deliver on economic and environmental issues that directly improve voters’ quality of life and put government back on the side of working people. 


When asked which policies would turn out more voters in support of the Vice President in key battleground states and across the country, respondents ranked campaign finance reform and holding corporations accountable as their top choices. Voters want to see a commitment to getting big money out of politics and breaking the corporate capture of government to pave the way for real policy change.


The survey results indicated broad support for specific policies, including climate action (to end fossil fuel subsidies, lower energy costs, and create new jobs), health care (ending medical debt and expanding Medicare to include dental, hearing, and vision), a permanent ceasefire in Gaza (ending endless wars to redirect defense spending), and creating affordable housing (including a federal 5% cap on rent prices).