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Revolution Report

Chicago School Board

By Progressive Champions, Revolution Report

Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates joined our Live Call and laid out our plan to elect progressive school board in Chicago. 

For the FIRST time ever, Chicago voters will be able to elect their school board members — and Our Revolution is supporting CTU’s powerful slate of 10 progressives on the ballot.

“We have expanded democracy in the city of Chicago,” Stacy told us. “It’s an amazing feat, and it only happened because we organized AND we voted AND we went on Strike.. and and and..” Our diverse movement is fighting on every terrain — and that’s how we win.

Revolution Report: October 5th, 2024

By Revolution Report, Revolution Report Newsletter

HEADLINES: 2024 Homestretch Kick Off | Ilhan Omar on Tim Walz | John Nichols: Bold Economic Vision | Swing State Survey Results | CA Rent Control | Chicago School Board | Denver Worker Rights | New Endorsements | Phonebank Week | & MORE!

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With just ONE MONTH to Election Day, Our Revolution’s GOTV operation is in full force in the swing states to defeat Trump once and for all. Chip in to help us make 5 million voter contacts into the 7 battleground states.

Ilhan Omar joined Our Revolution and thousands of progressives tuning in LIVE from around the country to kick off the final Homestretch of the 2024 Election.

Ilhan knows how crucial grassroots GOTV work is in a turnout election — and how important it is to reach voters who may face language barriers or need extra help getting to the polls. She also knows the stakes of this election.

“In Minnesota we made transformative legislation with Tim Walz as Governor, and I know that’s possible for us as progressives to have that level of co-governance with him if he becomes the VP of this country,” Ilhan said.

Also on the Live Call, we released Our Revolution’s Swing State Survey results (see below) and drilled down on exciting down ballot fights for housing, union rights, climate, education, and more.

Donate any amount to help ramp up our on-the-ground organizing in the battleground states and beyond. We’re on a mission to beat Trump and elect more progressives at every level.

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Writer John Nichols of The Nation joined our discussion, sharing his insights on the state of the race after traveling the swing states.

John said voters are hungry for a clear vision for economic renewal, and that the Harris/Walz ticket needs to do better in rural areas than both Hillary and Biden did in order to win.

“For young voters or disenchanted voters, there’s an intersection between raising wages, access to unions, restoring manufacturing, and saving the planet. They need to hear that 21st Century vision,” he said.

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From our survey of more than 1,400 Our Revolution supporters in the 7 swing states, we’re seeing some worrying signs of a motivation gap among progressives.

One in four told us they know progressives who aren’t planning to vote for Harris — and four out of five think Harris providing more policy details would help sway voters in their swing state.

We know that celebrity endorsements won’t be enough — it will take voter-to-voter outreach to make up the tight margins in states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Unfortunately, our organizers and survey-takers are reporting an influx of grassroots Trump canvassers and door-knockers — and the majority say they’re seeing more Trump signs than Harris signs in their neighborhoods.


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The polls are razor thin, and Our Revolution is carrying out a massive Swing State Operation to make 5 million voter contacts into the key battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Biden/Harris narrowly beat Trump by less than 300,000 votes in these states four years ago, and 2024 will be a turnout election — whichever side runs the most effective voter mobilization will prevail.

Our Revolution organizers like William and Jessica are hitting the streets in the 7 swing states that will decide the 2024 presidential election.

Not only are we knocking doors and setting up events for direct voter outreach — our national team is mounting a massive phonebank operation. (p.s. Can you spot our GOTV kitty in the picture above?)

We must maximize the next 30 days to Nov. 5th. Please pitch in any amount to power our Swing State Strategy — there’s no time to waste.

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For those who can’t donate, we hope you’ll consider volunteering for a shift with our Swing State Phone Bank — which kicked off this week with thousands of calls into Pennsylvania and Arizona.

This is the best way for progressives to make an impact from anywhere in the country, and have fun while we’re at it! This is how we run up the margins where it matters most.


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To illustrate just how powerful the grassroots can be, look no further than the victory of Dave Upthegrove for WA State Public Lands Commissioner — a key seat for climate and the environment.

Our Revolution made 300,000 voter contacts into the state ahead of election day, then helped chase down ballots to beat Big Timber’s hand-picked candidates by just 49 votes — out of more than 2 million votes cast!

“The takeaway is simple. Every vote matters,” Dave told us on the Live Call Monday night. “Timber put $1.2 million behind our opponent and we won by running a grassroots campaign. Our Revolution’s work matters, keep it up!”

With his background in conservation, Dave will protect the forests, work to prevent forest fires, and grow local economies. And he will be the first openly gay statewide executive in state history!

Chip in to help us scale up this kind of work to beat Trump and the far right, while electing more progressives like Dave up and down the ballot.

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Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates joined our Live Call and laid out our plan to elect a progressive school board in Chicago.

For the FIRST time ever, Chicago voters will be able to elect their school board members — and Our Revolution is supporting CTU’s powerful slate of 10 progressives on the ballot.

“We have expanded democracy in the city of Chicago,” Stacy told us. “It’s an amazing feat, and it only happened because we organized AND we voted AND we went on Strike.. and and and..” Our diverse movement is fighting on every terrain — and that’s how we win.

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“For the people, not the powerful.” That’s the rallying cry of the campaign of Dean Preston for San Francisco Supervisor (D-5) — who has the support of both Our Revolution and Bernie Sanders.

Our powerhouse slate in Northern California also includes Kate Harrison for Mayor of Berkeley, Vinnie Bacon for Mayor of Fremont, Carroll Fife for Oakland City Council (D-3), Jackie Fielder for SF Supervisor (D-9), and Lynda Deschambault for East Bay Parks District (Ward 2).

These are candidates who have a record of championing the issues that directly impact the bottom line of moneyed interests — from taxing the rich to protecting tenants rights. Let’s get them into office!

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Housing has rightfully become a top national issue this election season. We’re proud to be part of the coalition fighting for direct policy change in California that could be replicated in other states.

Michael Weinstein of Justice for Renters joined our Live Call Monday to rally for Prop 33 — the ballot measure for CA Rent Control which would also allow local communities to stop predatory corporate landlords from charging unfair rent.

“The rent is too damn high,” Michael said. “California is the poorest state by standard of living. Billionaire corporate landlords are sucking this country dry. They’re using algorithms to squeeze the last bit of money out of tenants.”

“Solving the housing affordability crisis requires a variety of approaches, but it starts with the rent,” he said. This is why Our Revolution is calling, texting, emailing, and having conversations with Californians to vote Yes on Prop 33.

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"We’re poised to win worker’s rights at the ballot box in Denver,” CWA Organizer Katie Romich told our live audience Monday night.

Our Revolution is proudly supporting the Stronger Denver ballot measure for collective bargaining rights for all public workers — Vote Yes on 2U!

Despite NOT having organizing rights, Denver workers joined together and built the political power to get collective bargaining on the ballot, Katie explained. She thanked Our Revolution for mobilizing to make over 50,000 voter contacts to get the Mayor and City Council to stand with workers.

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This is climate chaos in action — and one of the deadliest storms in U.S. history. Our Revolution is joining with Sunrise Movement, Friends of the Earth, and other great organizations to hold Big Oil accountable for the horrific damage of storms like Hurricane Helene.

The full scale of devastation is still being calculated, but hundreds of Americans are dead from Florida northward to Western North Carolina. FEMA has specifically cited climate change as having made the storm more dangerous.

Insult to injury — our own tax dollars continue to supercharge disasters like Helene. Instead of taxpayers pouring $20 billion a year in subsidies to Big Oil, we should be charging them a tax to clean up their fossil-fueled disasters.

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Billionaires and corporate cronies are pouring millions into the 2024 election trying to elect Trump AND beat some of our top progressive champions — but we refuse to be silenced by the donor class.

We must out-organize the Big Money and rightwing extremists with a massive GOTV operation in the swing states and beyond. Donate to Our Revolution’s Swing State Fund to help us make 5 million voter contacts into the 7 key battleground states.

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Be part of our 7 Days of Calls into the 7 Swing States — which just kicked off this week! Help shift the outcome of the 2024 Election from anywhere in the country, and have fun doing it. Click here to take action with Our Revolution’s Swing State Phone Bank.

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We’ve brought back our coziest Our Revolution Hoodie just in time for Fall and the homestretch to Election Day. Every purchase from our store helps power our organizers on the ground and on the phones. Thanks for your support!


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We Will Not Be Silenced

By Policy Fights, Revolution Report

Greenpeace is under attack from the notorious corporate polluter Energy Transfer – which is trying to bankrupt the organization for standing up against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

As Rep. Jamie Raskin told the Wall Street Journal, “Energy Transfer’s $300 million lawsuit against Greenpeace shows how megacorporations deploy legal strategies to strong-arm and crush their critics.

Our Revolution is joining with hundreds of our allies to demand that the corporation – which also is behind the massive pipeline fire now raging in Houston – to drop the meritless lawsuit, warning that it “could have a chilling effect on anyone engaged in peaceful protest and assembly.”


Stronger Denver

By Policy Fights, Revolution Report

Thanks to grassroots organizing, the Stronger Denver campaign for collective bargaining rights for all public sector workers will be on the ballot in November!

While firefighters and police officers have a voice on the job, most of the 11,000 public workers in Denver do not have collective bargaining rights, making the city an outlier among peer cities across the country. 

Beginning in 2022, all county workers in Colorado have collective bargaining rights. It is time for workers in the city and county of Denver to be able to secure these basic rights as well. 

City workers keep Denver running. Librarians, social workers, recycling collectors and other city workers deserve union rights and the ability to collectively bargain. Everyone deserves safe jobs, family-sustaining wages, and time to spend with loved ones.

Donate to help us mobilize for key down ballot races and ballot measures as we head into November!


Revolution Report: September 21, 2024

By Revolution Report, Revolution Report Newsletter

HEADLINES: 2024 Homestretch | Teamsters for Trump? | Post-Debate Survey | Swing State Organizing | Phonebank Week | Newest Victories | CA Rent Control | Greenpeace Under Attack | & MORE!

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We are just weeks away from Election Day, and Our Revolution is hosting a LIVE Call on Monday, Sept. 30th to jumpstart the 2024 Homestretch with U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar and The Nation’s John Nichols to discuss the state of the race.

We will also drill down on exciting down ballot races and ballot measures that will directly impact crucial issues like housing, union rights, and climate. You don’t want to miss this! RSVP here to join us LIVE at 8:30pm ET/5:30 PT on Monday 9/30.

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In a rare and shocking move, the Teamsters Union announced it will not endorse the Democratic candidate for President, VP Harris.

Not only does this mean LESS boots on the ground in this final homestretch to Election Day, but NEARLY 60% of Teamsters say they’re voting for Donald Trump!

Working class voters are pivotal in this election, and it’s up to us to get the word out on Trump’s economic policies and his broken promises to workers. Help us urgently expand our organizing in the swing states.

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In Our Revolution’s post-debate survey of 12,000 progressives, we found a motivation deficit that must be overcome if we hope to defeat Trump in November. Some worrying signs:

  • HALF indicated they’re not motivated to talk to friends and family or volunteer to help turnout voters.
  • Nearly HALF have doubts that Harris will take on corporate power, and a quarter distrust her authenticity.

Look, we’re not crazy about the Dick Cheney endorsement either (as Our Rev Director Joseph Geevarghese told The Atlantic), but we’ve seen Harris can be moved on issues from medical debt to price-gouging. If you want to help make sure we have a terrain to fight on in 2025 — rather than battling Trump for four years — chip in here.

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With polls tight, Our Revolution launched a massive Swing State Operation to make 5 million voter contacts into the 7 key battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Biden/Harris narrowly beat Trump by less than 300,000 votes in these states four years ago, and 2024 will be a turnout election — whichever side runs the most effective voter mobilization will prevail.

We must maximize the next 45 days to Nov. 5th. That’s why our organizers are pounding the pavement to recruit volunteers and invest in expanding our phone banks, email and text operations. Support our Swing State Fund here.

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Join our 2024 Swing State Phone Bank to help defeat Trump from anywhere in the country. As early voting gets underway, we’ll be calling into all 7 battleground states for 7 days, and it all kicks off Wednesday, Oct. 2nd. This is how we run up the margins where it counts the most!


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The mature forests of Washington State may have just been saved by a mere 49 votes that gave Dave Upthegrove victory in his race for Public Lands Commissioner.

Our Revolution carried out ballot curing efforts that validated 57 ballots to make the margin of victory — out of 1.9 million votes cast. We also made over 300,000 voter contacts in the lead up to this election!

Dave was the only candidate not funded by the timber industry. With his background in conservation, Dave will protect the forests, work to prevent forest fires, and grow local economies. And he will be the first openly gay statewide executive in state history!

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In Massachusetts, we’re celebrating the victories of U.S. Reps. Ayanna Pressley and Jim McGovern — both champions for progressive economic policies that uplift working families. They have both called for a ceasefire and to freeze US military assistance to Israel.

Down ballot, we have two more progressive victories: Mara Dolan for the Governor’s Council in District 3, and Allison Cartwright for Supreme Judicial Clerk in Suffolk County.

Chip in to help us beat Trump and the far right, while electing more progressives like these up and down the ballot this November.

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Congrats to Jacqueline "Jack" Porter who WON as the clear progressive choice for Tallahassee City Commission — where we are now just ONE seat away from achieving a progressive majority!

Porter is focused on the affordable housing crisis, economic insecurity, gun violence, and environmental justice — and her strongest opponent is a real estate developer backed by the police union.

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Congratulations to our winning candidates in Rhode Island! This is how we make a more progressive State House that will deliver for working people and families.

State Reps. Enrique Sanchez, Brandon Potter, Kelsey Coletta, and Cherie Cruz will fight for fair wages for all workers, solutions to the housing crisis, and better education and healthcare for all.

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Victory in Delaware! Congrats to Eric Morrison for State Representative in District 27. Eric will be an incredible ally in the fight for economic and social justice in the State House.

We are proud to support him in his mission to advance paid sick leave, an end to the criminalization of poverty, growing union power, and more.

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Our Revolution just endorsed three new candidates for Richmond City Council in California! Claudia Jimenez, Sue Wilson, and Melvin Willis have all spent years in service to their communities.

We know they will remain undaunted in their commitment to our progressive values as leaders on the council — from social justice to protecting the environment. This is how we build power from the bottom up.

Please chip in any amount to help power our voter turnout operations in 2024. As we battle Trump and the far right, we must also invest in defending AND expanding progressive power across the country.

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As Politico reported, Our Revolution is getting out the vote for Yes on Prop 33 — the ballot measure for much-needed Rent Control in California.

We’re phone banking, texting, emailing, and having one-on-one conversations with California voters — and many are sharing their housing stories and struggles with us.

Orin in Santa Rosa is having to live on a small boat because it’s simply too expensive to live on land in California.

Arianna, a new mother in Whittier, said her partner works 12 hours a day and they can still barely afford to live. “A man was recently killed in a drive-by shooting on our street,” she said crying. “It isn’t safe here, but it's the only apartment that we can afford.”

The rent is too damn high! The AVERAGE rent is now $2,895 in California, and more than 171,000 people are now homeless in the state.

Not only will Prop 33 allow cities and counties to expand Rent Control, it will allow local communities to stop predatory corporate landlords from charging unfair and unaffordable rents.

We are proud to be part of this massive coalition of renters, families, veterans, seniors, and young people fighting alongside social justice organizations and labor unions for Justice for Renters.

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Bernie Sanders went live from the Senate floor this week to call for an end to U.S. support for Netanyahu’s war on Gaza.

He announced that he will introduce a resolution to STOP the $20 billion U.S. weapons sale to Israel because our government is breaking U.S. and international law by continuing to fund Netanyahu’s war regime.

Stand with Bernie: Support his resolution to block weapons sales to Israel. Not another nickel, and not another bomb, for Netanyahu’s immoral war on the people of Gaza.

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Greenpeace is under attack from the notorious corporate polluter Energy Transfer - which is trying to bankrupt the organization for standing up against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

As Rep. Jamie Raskin told the Wall Street Journal, "Energy Transfer’s $300 million lawsuit against Greenpeace shows how megacorporations deploy legal strategies to strong-arm and crush their critics."

Our Revolution is joining with hundreds of our allies to demand that the corporation - which also is behind the massive pipeline fire now raging in Houston - to drop the meritless lawsuit, warning that it “could have a chilling effect on anyone engaged in peaceful protest and assembly.”


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We are just weeks away from Election Day, and Our Revolution is hosting a LIVE Call to jumpstart the 2024 Homestretch with U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar and author John Nichols to discuss the state of the race on Sept. 30th.

Tune in to hear about key down ballot races and ballot measures that will directly impact crucial issues like housing, union rights, and climate. Don’t miss out! RSVP now and we’ll send you a reminder to join us LIVE at 8:30pm ET/5:30 PT on Monday 9/30.

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Billionaires and corporate cronies are pouring millions into the 2024 election trying to elect Trump AND beat some of our top progressive champions up and down the ballot— but we refuse to be silenced by the donor class.

We must out-organize the Big Money and rightwing extremists with a massive GOTV operation in the swing states and beyond. Please chip in any amount to power our voter turnout operations across the country in 2024. As we battle Trump and the far right, we must invest in defending AND expanding progressive power up and down the ballot.

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Join as part of our 7 Days of Calls into the 7 Swing States — starting Oct. 2nd. Volunteers are joining from around the country to sign up for phone bank shifts to help shift the outcome of the 2024 Election.

Be part of the fun and know that you were part of the margin of victory when we wake up on the morning of November 6th. Click here to take action with Our Revolution’s Swing State Phone Bank.

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We’ve brought back our coziest Our Revolution Hoodie just in time for Fall and the homestretch to Election Day. Every purchase from our store helps power our organizers on the ground and on the phones. Thanks for your support!


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Weinstein Yes on 33

By Policy Fights, Revolution Report

Housing has rightfully become a top national issue this election season. We’re proud to be part of the coalition fighting for direct policy change in California that could be replicated in other states.

Michael Weinstein of Justice for Renters joined our Live Call Monday to rally for Prop 33 — the ballot measure for CA Rent Control which would also allow local communities to stop predatory corporate landlords from charging unfair rent.

“The rent is too damn high,” Michael said. “California is the poorest state by standard of living. Billionaire corporate landlords are sucking this country dry. They’re using algorithms to squeeze the last bit of money out of tenants.”

“Solving the housing affordability crisis requires a variety of approaches, but it starts with the rent,” he said. This is why Our Revolution is calling, texting, emailing, and having conversations with Californians to vote Yes on Prop 33.

2024 Swing State Plan

By Homepage, Policy Fights, Revolution Report

We know our mission: Defeat Donald Trump and elect Progressives up and down the ballot.

Our goal is to make 5 million voter contacts into the 7 key swing states that will decide this election – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Four years ago, Biden/Harris narrowly beat Trump in 6 of these states with under 300,000 votes combined — and the polls right now are tight!  That means 2024 will be a turnout election — whichever side runs the most surgical and efficient voter mobilization program will prevail.   

Our Revolution has over 1.2 million supporters in these battlegrounds, and we know what it takes to mobilize our base of progressive voters. In 2020, we made over 5 million voter contacts, and with your support we hope to match or exceed that by November.  

Bernie founded Our Revolution in 2016 to be a people-powered progressive political organization to mobilize for candidates and causes up and down the ballot. Since then, we’ve built an effective voter turnout machine.

Because we’ve been doing election work every year in these 7 swing states, we not only have accurate voter data, we also have relationships with over 1000 activists on the ground who are motivated to door-knock, make calls, send texts, and use social media to motivate other progressives to vote. 

Chip in to help power our work in the homestretch to Election Day Nov. 5th. For every $1, our teams can make 5 voter contacts into a swing state.

Post Debate #2 Survey

By Homepage, Policy Fights, Revolution Report

94% Say Harris Won the Debate in Our Revolution Survey of 10,000 Progressive Voters

Survey results showed 94% thought VP Harris won the debate against former President Trump. Respondents largely felt Harris was most effective on the issues of abortion and defending democracy, while expressing far less confidence in how the Vice President tackled questions on immigration, affordable housing, and climate change.

Stark warning signs for the Harris campaign emerged, however, when respondents were further questioned about specific policy positions and other factors related to the Vice President’s viability in the general election against Trump. According to findings from the Our Revolution post-debate survey:

  • More than half of respondents indicated that they have no intention to volunteer for the campaign or actively encourage family and friends to vote, despite an intent to vote for Harris themselves. 
  • 44 percent of respondents expressed doubt that Harris will take on corporate power in the White House.
  • A quarter of respondents indicated that they do not fully trust the Vice President, with 1 in 5 questioning her authenticity as a candidate.
  • 30 percent of those surveyed remain uncertain that Harris can defeat Trump.

“The Harris campaign won’t win by courting Never Trumpers at the expense of young progressives, millions of whom vote in swing states,” said Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese. “These voters don’t care what Dick Cheney has to say. They are ready, however, to hear the Vice President’s plans to reign in corporate power, address climate change, and make housing and healthcare more affordable in this country.”

With just 55 days remaining until the November election, the central challenge for the Harris campaign remains translating newfound enthusiasm for the Vice President into actual votes. 

Overall, data collected in our post-debate survey makes clear that despite the online fanfare on platforms like TikTok and X, the Vice President has work to do to win over skeptical progressives and young voters and convince them that she is aligned with their policy values on issues like reigning in corporate power and addressing climate change.

CA Yes on 33

By Homepage, Policy Fights, Revolution Report

The AVERAGE rent is now $2,895 in California, and more than 171,000 people are now homeless in the state.

The rent is still too damn high! And, that’s why Our Revolution is throwing our full support behind Proposition 33, the statewide ballot measure for rent control in California.

Renters and advocates delivered more than 730,000 letters to Gov. Gavin Newsom, urging him to support Yes on 33 — and now, voters will get to decide in November.

Not only will Prop 33 remove the California ban on Rent Control, it will allow cities and counties to expand Rent Control. AND – this is huge – it will allow local communities to stop predatory corporate landlords from charging unfair and unaffordable rents.

We are proud to be part of this massive coalition of renters, families, veterans, seniors, and young people fighting alongside social justice organizations and labor unions for Justice for Renters.

Add your name here to support Rent Control in California and help us get the word out to Vote Yes on 33 by Election Day Nov. 5th.


Revolution Report: August 17, 2024

By Revolution Report, Revolution Report Newsletter

HEADLINES: VP Walz and the Swing States | Dem Convention Kickoff | Superdelegates Gone for Good? | Bernie, Omar & Jayapal Victories | Clean Sweep for Vermont Slate | CA Rent Cap on the Ballot! | & MORE!

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The Democratic National Convention kicks off this week in Chicago, where the party platform and strategy to defeat Trump will come into sharper focus.

With Kamala Harris choosing a progressive running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, many are hopeful it’s a sign that the Party is listening to the base and embracing a working class agenda.

Walz has a strong record on labor, school meals, housing, paid leave, child poverty, taxing corporations, fighting wage theft, and more — and our polling shows these are winning policies in swing states.

“Walz is an excellent pick for VP. He’s the anti-elite candidate and comes across as the Everyman,” Joseph Geevarghese, Our Revolution executive director, told The Atlantic. “This is a sign Democrats understand they cannot win against Trumpism without pushing policies that resonate with working-class voters in the Midwest and beyond.”

Our mission in 2024 is clear: Defeat Trump. The Harris/Walz ticket is coming into the DNC with a lot of energy, but we need to keep building on this momentum all the way to November.

Our Revolution is activating our voter turnout operations in the battleground states with a goal of reaching 5 million voter contacts before Election Day! Please chip in any amount to our Swing State Fund to help us reach our $1 million goal.

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It’s our birthday! Next week marks 8 years since Bernie founded Our Revolution and sparked a movement that has advanced the progressive agenda at every level of government and elected 1,000+ progressives across the country!

We are celebrating big wins with Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, and many other great Our Revolution candidates this week — but we have a lot more work to do between now and November.

AIPAC and rightwing mega-donors are still targeting some of our top progressive allies in Congress. Chip in a donation to help us defend and expand progressive power up and down the ballot in 2024.

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Congresswoman Ilhan Omar won a resounding victory over her AIPAC-backed challenger in Minnesota — against an onslaught of rightwing money and racist attack ads.

With the grassroots behind her, Ilhan’s win is a “powerful rebuke of the influence of corporate money in our democracy and a testament to her dedication to progressive values,” OR Director Joseph Geevarghese told Common Dreams.

But the fight isn’t over yet! Ilhan and our progressive allies in Congress have targets on their backs because they boldly call for a ceasefire in Gaza and stand firm against corporate power and the far right. Chip in to make sure we have the resources to have Ilhan’s back all the way through November.

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CLEAN SWEEP IN VERMONT! Our Revolution’s entire slate won in Tuesday’s primary in Vermont — including, of course, our founder Bernie Sanders!

Thanks to grassroots mobilization, VT Rep. Tanya Vyhovsky is heading to the State Senate to continue her work for climate, housing, wages, universal healthcare, and fair taxation.

We’re excited to see that longtime Bernie ally and farmer, Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman is on his way to re-election on a fusion ticket between the Democrat and the Vermont Progressive parties.

And, congrats to VT Reps. Emilie Krasnow, Brian Cina, and Emilie Kornheiser — who recently passed an historic law in Vermont, forcing fossil fuel corporations to pay for the climate damage they cause.

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In Washington State, U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA-7) won her primary despite an outpouring of rightwing money seeking to unseat one of our top progressive leaders.

As the Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Pramila has led on the Medicare for All Act, defending abortion rights, passing the largest-ever climate bill, and challenging MAGA extremists.

She has been a close partner with Our Revolution, and we will work to make sure she’s re-elected in November! Donate here.

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And, while the race hasn’t been called yet, Dave Upthegrove — one of our most exciting environmental candidates — looks like he may make the runoff for Washington State Public Lands Commissioner!

Our Revolution made over 300,000 voter contacts in the lead up to this election — and it may be just enough to give Dave the edge with these tight margins! He is a prime example of why our work in down-ballot races is so critical.

The State Public Lands Commissioner has the power to save the state’s mature forests — crucial for climate resilience and home to precious endangered species — and Dave is the only candidate not funded by the timber industry.

With his background in biology and conservation, Dave will protect the forests while working to prevent forest fires and grow local economies. As King County Councilman, he championed affordable housing and clean energy, and he would be the first openly gay statewide executive in WA State history!

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Our entire movement is saddened by big money’s defeat of US Rep. Cori Bush last week, but we are proud of the progressive power she helped us build in Missouri as an activist and during her time in Congress.

Progressives now have a governing majority in St. Louis — from city council to mayor — led by Our Revolution Board Member Megan Green as President of the Board of Aldermen. Now, we are set to add a progressive governor to that roster!

Crystal Quade grew up on a dirt road in rural Missouri, and now she may be the next governor! Crystal has led in the State House to restore our abortion rights, stand up to corporate special interests, and stop China and Russia from buying up farmland and squeezing out local farmers.

Marty Murray is one step closer to the State House, where he is determined to make a difference on gun reform, environment, worker rights, LGBTQ+ and racial justice, and much more — including fixing the broken Missouri Legislature with direct democracy initiatives.

Alfred Montgomery won his primary for St. Louis Sheriff. If he wins in November, Alfred will bring his focus on youth and anti-poverty initiatives to the sheriff’s office, and he has plans for restorative justice and jobs programs for exited offenders.

Our progressive leaders and organizers in St. Louis have delivered — from a universal basic income program to taking on big developers and growing housing and unions. Become a monthly member of Our Revolution to help us sustain this work and win life-changing policy.

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Two more victories in Michigan — U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Alyshia Dyer for Washtenaw County Sheriff both move on to the general election in November!

Rashida Tlaib has been a fearless champion for a ceasefire in Gaza, racial justice, and working people, and we need to keep her voice in Congress!

Alyshia Dyer will create a sheriff’s office that respects and protects the whole community. Experiencing homelessness as a juvenile informed her focus on community support and social justice. She has experience in social work and served with Detroit's Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity Department.

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With early voting starting next week, we are excited to announce our Massachusetts slate, led by U.S. Reps. Ayanna Pressley and Jim McGovern, who have both called for a ceasefire and to freeze US military assistance to Israel.

We’re also proud to support Evan MacKay - a union leader and pro-democracy organizer running for State House in Middlesex 25th District - as well as Mara Dolan and Stacey Borden for the Governor’s Council in Districts 3 and 4, respectively, and Allison Cartwright for Supreme Judicial Clerk in Suffolk County.

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Election Day is Tuesday in Florida, and Jacqueline "Jack" Porter is the clear choice for Tallahassee City Commission — where we are just two seats away from achieving a progressive majority!

Porter is focused on the affordable housing crisis, economic insecurity, gun violence, and environmental justice — and her strongest opponent is a real estate developer backed by the police union.

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Please chip in any amount to power our voter turnout operations across the country in 2024. As we battle Trump and the far right, we must invest in defending AND expanding progressive power up and down the ballot.

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Since Bernie founded Our Revolution eight years ago, we’ve been working to transform the Democratic Party nationally and within the state parties — now this work is coming to fruition!

This week at the Democratic National Convention, we are thrilled to see critical party reforms up for final approval by delegates in Chicago!

After 8 years of organizing, we are on track to permanently reduce the power of superdelegates, and require that all 57 state parties adopt same-day primary voter registration and vote by mail.

The Unity Reform Commission was originally launched by 1,300 Bernie delegates at the 2016 convention and co-chaired by Our Revolution Chair Larry Cohen. In 2020, with the backing of over 1,000 Bernie convention delegates, we successfully extended these reforms for the 2024 cycle. Now, our changes could become permanent — this is HUGE!

Add your name NOW and tell DNC delegates to vote YES this week to continue the reforms our movement organized to win when Bernie was on the ballot.

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Chicago DNC Kickoff: Celebrate Rev. Jesse Jackson

This Sunday, Our Revolution, The Nation and the Rainbow PUSH Coalition are gathering in-person for an evening of reflection to honor the legacy of the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. and discuss how to advance his legacy into the future.

Our Revolution Chair Larry Cohen will speak at this special event with Revs. Jesse Jackson Sr. and Al Sharpton, along with U.S. Reps. Barbara Lee, Ro Khanna, Jamie Raskin, Jonathan Jackson, and many others!

Campaigning as an unapologetic progressive, Rev. Jackson remade US politics with a pair of hard-fought campaigns for the Democratic presidential nominations of 1984 and 1988.

These campaigns broke new ground, showing that it was possible to form a multiracial working class coalition for political change, and inspired Sen. Bernie Sanders when he ran in 2016 and 2020.

Join us for what promises to be a special evening ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

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The AVERAGE rent is now $2,895 in California, and more than 171,000 people are now homeless in the state.

The rent is still too damn high! And, that’s why Our Revolution is throwing our full support behind Proposition 33, the statewide ballot measure for rent control in California.

Renters and advocates delivered more than 730,000 letters to Gov. Gavin Newsom, urging him to support Yes on 33 — and now, voters will get to decide in November.

Not only will Prop 33 remove the California ban on Rent Control, it will allow cities and counties to expand Rent Control. AND — this is huge — it will allow local communities to stop predatory corporate landlords from charging unfair and unaffordable rents.

We are proud to be part of this massive coalition of renters, families, veterans, seniors, and young people fighting alongside social justice organizations and labor unions for Justice for Renters.

Add your name here to support Rent Control in California and help us get the word out to Vote Yes on 33 by Election Day Nov. 5th.

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The primaries are winding down, and now our focus turns to the General Election in November.

Right-wing billionaires, corporate cronies, AIPAC, and MAGA donors are still pouring millions into the 2024 election trying to unseat some of our top progressive champions in Congress — but we refuse to let powerful voices like Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Pramila Jayapal, and others be silenced by the donor class.

Our Revolution and the progressive movement are mobilizing to out-organize Big Money. This means speaking directly to voters through phone banks, online outreach, and knocking on doors — all the way through November!


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When you purchase our new Reject AIPAC shirt, your contribution goes directly toward our work to re-elect Peace champions like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

Our activists and organizers will be using innovative online and in-person campaign strategies to overcome the loud, racist attack ads pouring into these races. And, of course, we will employ our proven voter turnout strategy each day until Election day.

Every purchase from our merch store helps fund our movement. Grab your REJECT AIPAC T-shirt here!

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