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Post Debate Survey Results

On the heels of last week’s presidential debate, Our Revolution has released the findings of a sweeping new survey of more than 17,000 progressive Democratic voters across the country. 

The Our Revolution polling results were first reported this morning by POLITICO Playbook.

The respondents, a subset of the organization’s grassroots network of approximately 8 million supporters in all 50 states, were surveyed via email in the 72 hours immediately following last Thursday’s debate.

Responses from 17,410 Our Revolution supporters reveal that: 

  • 67 percent of respondents think President Biden should suspend his presidential campaign
  • 32 percent are less likely to support Biden after the debate, while 57 percent say it did not affect their support
  • 15 percent say they are unlikely or very unlikely to vote for Biden if he remains the nominee and 11 percent are unsure
  • 8 percent say they are likely and 65 percent say they are very likely to vote for Biden
  • 94 percent are worried about a Trump second term
  • 38 percent of people feel sad, 35 percent frustrated, and 11 percent angry, after the debate 
  • 9 percent feel fired up or hopeful