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Our Revolution is building progressive power in Sacramento County and statewide in California! That’s why we’ve endorsed Barbara Lee for U.S. Senate, and are working to elect an exciting slate of progressives across Sacramento County. 

In addition to electing progressive champions to the California Assembly and building a progressive majority on Sacramento City Council, we want to transform the California Democratic Party from the inside out with many endorsements of progressive champions running for seats on the Democratic Party of Sacramento County Central Committee!

Elected Offices

Sean Frame

for CA Assembly (District 6)

Dr. Flo Cofer

for Mayor

Roger Dickinson

for City Council (District 2)

Katie Valenzuela

for City Council (District 4)

Mai Vang

for City Council (District 8)

Murad “Moe” Sarama

for Sacramento County Office of Education (Area 4)

Democratic Party of Sacramento County Central Committee

Andrés Ramos

(District 1)

David Lee Mandel

(District 1)

Mohammad “Mo” Kashmiri

(District 1)

Shirley Toy

(District 1)

Fatima Malik

(District 1)

Tamika L’Ecluse

(District 1)

Justin “J.D.” Garcia

(District 2)

John D. Kincaid

(District 3)

Chris Yatooma

(District 4)

Monica Madrid

(District 5)

Yassar Dahbour

(District 5)

Lee “Marsha” Miller

(District 5)

Randa Allathkani

(District 5)

What's at Stake

These candidates have a real shot at winning these seats and will build a strong progressive bloc that gives our movement power and leverage to advance our progressive priorities against the political establishment.

How to Vote

Vote by mail – Ballots will begin arriving by mail around Feb 5th. Track your ballot here and find a ballot drop box location here. To be counted, ballots must be dropped off at drop boxes no later than 8 pm on March 5th or sent via U.S. mail and postmarked no later than March 5th.
Vote Early in person – Begins Feb 24th at voting centers open 8am-5pm Monday-Friday. Find info on what to bring and locations nearest you here.
Election Day – The last day to return your ballots or vote in person. All Vote Center locations are open on Election Day March 5th from 7am to 8pm. Find your voting location here
Complete, detailed information about voting and registration is available here.
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