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Major Primary Victories — Not only did Ilhan Omar defeat Big Money with our help, but Our Revolution’s entire slate of endorsed progressives in Vermont won in a clean sweep on Tuesday — including our founder Bernie Sanders!

We mobilized our members, got out the vote, and sent a huge message to the establishment that good policy is good politics. This week marks our 8th anniversary since Bernie started Our Revolution, and these victories add to our growing success of electing more than 1,000 progressives up and down the ballot.

Ilhan Omar was the target of rightwing and pro-Israel PACs, but she had the grassroots at her back and overcame big money and racist attack ads to overwhelmingly defeat her primary challenger.

“Ilhan’s win is a powerful rebuke to the influence of corporate money in our democracy,” Our Rev Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told Common Dreams. “Her commitment to bold, progressive policies—whether it’s climate action, Medicare for All, or standing up for a permanent cease-fire and end to unconditional aid to Israel—resonates deeply.”

Bernie Sanders’ political revolution has brought millions of working people into the political process, and this week’s progressive victories are a direct result of his leadership. 

Bernie ignited a movement that has profoundly reshaped American politics. His vision of a fair and just society has not only become a rallying cry for millions but has also driven the Democratic Party to embrace progressive policies. 

The success of our entire slate of endorsed candidates shows that the people of Vermont, and Americans more broadly, are ready to embrace a future where government serves the interests of the people, not corporate and special interests. This is the power of organizing, and it’s how we will continue to win.

Alongside Bernie and Ilhan, Our Revolution is proud to celebrate the victories of a slate of progressive candidates who share his vision and dedication to the people of Vermont:


  • David Zuckerman, re-elected as Lieutenant Governor, is a lifelong advocate for environmental justice and the rights of working people. His decades-long collaboration with Bernie Sanders and his commitment to fighting corporate power make him a crucial leader in Vermont’s progressive movement.


  • Tanya Vyhovsky, newly elected to the State Senate for Chittenden-Central District, brings her background in social work and social justice to the forefront. Her victory underscores the demand for representation that truly reflects the voices of all Vermonters, particularly those fighting for affordable housing, a livable wage, and comprehensive healthcare.


  • Brian Cina, re-elected to the Vermont State House in District 15, has long been a champion of progressive change. His leadership in the Climate Solutions Caucus and Social Equity Caucus, along with his work as Co-chair of the Working Vermonters Caucus, has been instrumental in advancing key progressive policies in Vermont.


  • Emilie Kornheiser, re-elected to the Vermont State House in District 7 in Windham, continues her work to ensure equal rights, dignity, and access to essential services for all Vermonters. Her focus on creating a fair tax system to support quality healthcare, education, and affordable housing resonates deeply with the values of our movement.


  • Emilie Krasnow, re-elected in South Burlington, played a pivotal role in passing historic legislation that holds fossil fuel corporations accountable for the climate damage they cause. Her work, alongside her colleagues on our slate, exemplifies the kind of bold action needed to address the climate crisis.


These victories are a testament to the power of grassroots organizing and the enduring appeal of progressive values and policies. Our Revolution is proud to stand with these leaders as they continue the work of transforming Vermont and our nation.