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From mobilizing more than 375,000 votes for Peace in Michigan and the Super Tuesday primaries to hearing President Biden call for a temporary “Ceasefire” and more aid for Gaza at the State of the Union — it’s been a big week in progressive politics.

Biden acknowledged in his speech Thursday that the 30,000 people killed in Gaza are primarily innocent civilians, and said he will be “working nonstop to establish an immediate ceasefire to last 6 weeks to get all the hostages released.. and build toward something more enduring.”

This is a start. But, while he’s looking to set up a pier on the coast of Gaza to deliver more food, medicine, and aid to the Palestinian people, what he did not announce was an end to U.S. support and weapons fueling Netanyahu’s War on Gaza.

That’s why we must keep up the drum beat for a true and lasting Peace. We need a permanent ceasefire ASAP.

The Uncommitted Vote is gaining momentum state by state — from Michigan to Minnesota to North Carolina, voters are sending a clear message to President Biden:  End  unconditional support for Netanyahu and broker a permanent ceasefire

Our grassroots supporters and activists have helped turnout more than 375,000 votes across the country in just over a week. And, this Tuesday is Washington state’s chance to be the next megaphone for Peace!

Our Revolution is mobilizing our 132,000 supporters in Washington to get out the vote for ‘Uncommitted Delegates’ to urge Biden to change course on Gaza and save lives.

As Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told CalMatters this week, this shift is also necessary for Biden to realign with the young voters, progressives, and voters of color who won him the White House in 2020.

“Coming off the momentum generated in Michigan, we need to continue lifting up our voices and sending a clear message to President Biden—we need a ceasefire now,” Joseph told The Daily Beast. “If he doesn’t change course, he will be putting our Democracy at risk.”

Let’s maintain our momentum – adding more “Uncommitted” votes from Washington State to the overall tally will send a powerful message:  President Biden must realign with the values of the base or risk losing peace voters in November.