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Barbara Lee didn’t get across the finish line, but our work for her Senate campaign was not in vain.  Every vote for Barbara was a vote for the Peace Candidate in this race. 

Our supporters and volunteers reached out with approximately 2 MILLION voter contacts, and we were joined along the way by Ro Khanna, Pramilia Jayapal, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush and other progressive leaders to lift up Barbara and our issue priorities for Peace, healthcare for all, environmental justice, housing, and much more.

We accomplished a lot in face of big money headwinds and the party machine backing Adam Schiff. It’s unfortunate that Schiff used his plentiful resources to elevate two-time Trump voter and Republican opponent Steve Garvey — a strategy that may have backfired now that the two are neck-and-neck for the general election in November.

“Despite being heavily outspent by my opponents, our values never wavered,” Barbara said. “In every step of this campaign, we never backed down from our progressive vision, and worked relentlessly to build a coalition that represents communities that too often are not afforded a seat at the table.”