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We know our mission: Defeat Donald Trump and elect Progressives up and down the ballot.

Our goal is to make 5 million voter contacts into the 7 key swing states that will decide this election – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Four years ago, Biden/Harris narrowly beat Trump in 6 of these states with under 300,000 votes combined — and the polls right now are tight!  That means 2024 will be a turnout election — whichever side runs the most surgical and efficient voter mobilization program will prevail.   

Our Revolution has over 1.2 million supporters in these battlegrounds, and we know what it takes to mobilize our base of progressive voters. In 2020, we made over 5 million voter contacts, and with your support we hope to match or exceed that by November.  

Bernie founded Our Revolution in 2016 to be a people-powered progressive political organization to mobilize for candidates and causes up and down the ballot. Since then, we’ve built an effective voter turnout machine.

Because we’ve been doing election work every year in these 7 swing states, we not only have accurate voter data, we also have relationships with over 1000 activists on the ground who are motivated to door-knock, make calls, send texts, and use social media to motivate other progressives to vote. 

Chip in to help power our work in the homestretch to Election Day Nov. 5th. For every $1, our teams can make 5 voter contacts into a swing state.