Elections and party work are tactics – the strategy is building a movement on the issues.
The Latest
Our Strategy
Our progressive coalition inside the party is working to:
Ban Dark Money in Primaries
Prioritize the Grassroots over Lobbyists
Get Rid of Superdelegates
Make the Budget more Public
Invest in State and Local Parties
“It is about transparency, democracy, and party-building. Voting rights inside the party and in primaries matter just as much as voting rights in a general election.”
Larry Cohen
Our Revolution Board Chair
Joseph Geevarghese, Executive Director of Our Revolution, has been organizing grassroots movements to drive progressive policy and political change for nearly 25 years.
After graduating from Georgetown Law in 2000, Joseph led the SEIU Hospital Accountability Project in Chicago, which mobilized over 25,000 low-income patients to fight against health care price gouging, predatory collections, and redlining. Working alongside then State Sen. Barack Obama, chair of the Illinois Senate Health Committee, Joseph helped patients win major industry-wide reforms.
From 2007-2011, as the Deputy Director of the Change to Win Labor Coalition in Washington, Joseph coordinated labor’s agenda with the Obama/Biden Transition Team, and helped create – and later advise – the White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families, chaired by then Vice-President Biden.
At the start of Obama’s second term in 2012, Joseph became the Executive Director of Good Jobs Nation and a key strategist behind the nationwide “Fight for $15 & Union” strike movement. Joseph organized over 20 walkouts by thousands of low-wage federal contract workers at the US Capitol, Pentagon and Smithsonian to demand Obama use executive action to improve labor standards. Working with Sen. Sanders and CPC leaders like former Rep. Keith Ellison, the campaign pushed President Obama to issue historic executive orders to raise wages, crack down on labor law violators, and provide paid leave for over 20 million workers employed by federal contractors.
Since 2019, his leadership at Our Revolution continues to focus on mobilizing grassroots movements to fight for progressive issues, elect progressive champions at every level of government, and transform the Democratic party into a true progressive party.
Get in Touch
Are you a member of the DNC or planning to run for a party position? If so, we want to hear from you! Reach out to us at political@ourrevolution.com