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The 2023 General Election is on Tuesday, and Our Revolution is mobilizing voters to the polls to elect progressive champions in cities and states nationwide! 

Meet our candidates below, and be sure to get out to vote to help build local power and build progressive majorities that can make a direct impact in people’s lives. 

Our Revolution has been blazing a path for progressive cities in 2023, from winning a progressive majority with Board President Megan Green in St. Louis and helping elect Mayor Brandon Johnson in Chicago. Now we have a chance to bolster progressive power in Pittsburg with Sara Innamorato! 

We backed Sara as she beat big money back in May to win the primary and on Tuesday, she’ll be on the ballot to become the next Allegheny County Executive! 

If she wins, Sara will be part of a progressive trifecta in Pittsburg that includes Mayor Ed Gainey and U.S. Rep Summer Lee, whom she ran alongside successfully for PA House back in 2018 with Our Revolution support. 

As County Executive, Sara will lead the second-largest county in Pennsylvania and have the power to help protect abortion care, push for county-wide housing, and address human rights violations in the county jail. 

With Our Revolution’s slate of progressives, Democrats could win back power in Virginia – and maintain the last bastion of abortion rights in the South. 

Nadarius Clark, Rozia Henson, Adele McClure, and Joshua Cole are all vying for key seats in the Virginia State House, while Jennifer Carroll Foy, Stella Pekarsky, and Lachrecse Aird could win races that block a Republican takeover of the State Senate. This is critical since Governor Glenn Youngkin said he would sign any abortion ban the Virginia legislature sends to his desk. 

Jared Evans is running for re-election to a third term on the Indianapolis City Council – and Our Revolution is proud to have his back! 

Jared has been a strong progressive ally in Indianapolis, fighting for higher wages, good jobs, and more for the blue-collar neighborhoods he serves in District 17. 

Juan Marcano is the proud son of Puerto Rican migrants and has been a voice for working-class people representing Ward 4 on the Aurora, Colorado City Council since 2019.

Now, Our Revolution is proud to endorse Juan to lead the city in a progressive direction as Mayor. We know the city in a progressive direction as Mayor. We know he will champion education, affordable housing, and economic and social justice at the helm. 

Our Revolution is endorsing Sheila Jackson Lee for Houston Mayor, who’s running against John Whitmire – a Democratic defector who sides with radical Republicans on voter suppression and racist policing policies. 

U.S. Rep Jackson Lee is a long-time member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and she’s a fighter for Medicare for All, the Raise the Wage Act, and the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. 

As the next Mayor, she’s committed to promoting policies to expand healthcare, create good jobs, increase affordable housing, promote safe and reliable public transportation, and protect the city from climate disasters. 

She’s also been endorsed by SEIU Texas, the Communications Workers of America, and other key Our Revolution allies. 

“Sheila is taking on far-right groups, corporate lobbyists, and establishment politicians – including billionaire Trump donors, the NRA, Republican anti-abortion zealots, and knee-jerk backers of Gov. Abbott’s autocratic political agenda,” Our Revolution Board Member and former TX Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower said. 

“The fat cats are against her – but we are pushing hard for her, and there are many more of us than them. They key is turning out our voters, and we know how to do that!” Hightower added. 

Greater Worcester Our Revolution is supporting Robert Billota for City Council in Worcester, MA. 

Robert is running for this seat because he believes Worcester should be a place where everyone can build a prosperous future. He has served on Worcester Human Rights Commission and is a member of the Worcester Affordable Housing Coalition. 

Our Revolution Ohio is proudly endorsing Andrej Rotter for Upper Arlington City Council to give back to the community he says has given him so much. 

Andrej and his family were political refugees from Czechoslovakia, and he is a retired scientist, teacher, and mentor. He is committed to environmental sustainability, fighting climate change, and economic security.