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Transform the Party

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We need your voice!

The Democratic Party needs a massive overhaul — and Our Revolution is leading the charge to transform the party. 

Click here to add your name to the massive groundswell of grassroots support demanding these key changes ahead of the upcoming DNC meeting:

  • Ban Dark Money in Primaries & Reject Corporate Money
  • Invest in State Parties & Uplift Grassroots Organizing
  • Make the DNC Budget Transparent & Hold Consultants Accountable
  • Commit to a Progressive Platform & Small Donor Democracy


The Democratic Party must return to its roots as the party of the working class and reject the corporate influence and corruption that has led to a loss of voters and loss of elections to Trump (twice!).

In order to prevent more devastating losses, the DNC must listen to the grassroots. With new leadership elections taking place Feb. 1st — NOW is the time to push for real change!

Please sign the petition today! 

Rapid Response

By Homepage, Revolution Report, Take Action

Our Revolution has launched a new Rapid Response Team — connecting progressives around the country in a network that can jump into action to resist Trump.

Sign up to get looped in and we will reach out with actions — which could include calling your reps, joining a protest, or amplifying an important information on social media.

Hundreds have already signed up — and we need you to be part of the team!

Post Election Survey Results

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In our post-election survey of more than 12,000 progressives, 85% told us they’re feeling Angry, Sad, and Depressed. The rest told us they’re Shocked or Confused.

While some ranked misogyny, racism, and xenophobia as factors in the election, many pointed to the neglect of working people, the failure of the Democratic Party, the late switch from Biden to Harris, and the campaign’s misguided focus on Cheney Republicans and celebrities.

76% said they believe the Democratic Party has lost its way, and 91% said they believe the Party has long neglected the multiracial working class.

Abandoned Working Class People

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“It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said the morning after the election.

“First it was the white working class, and now it’s Latino and Black workers as well. While the Democratic Party leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change. And they’re right.”

“In the coming months, those of us concerned with grassroots democracy and economic justice need to have some very serious discussions. Stay tuned,” Bernie said.

It’s time for the Democratic Party to take stock and heed the warnings that progressives and working class Americans have been raising for years.

Bernie founded Our Revolution to take on corporate power, elect progressives, and transform the party — which is exactly what we’re going to do in 2025 as fight back against Trump every step of the way. Chip in to the resistance here.

Our Revolution made more than 5,000,000 voter contacts into the battleground states — door knocking, calls, texts, emails, and more — flipping many folks who weren’t planning to vote for VP Harris — but it wasn’t enough.

For weeks, Our Rev Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese spoke out to the AP and NPR about the campaign’s dangerous strategy to court Republicans at the expense of the base, as our surveys and voter conversations revealed a worrying motivation gap for Harris.

“We were seeing clear evidence that buddying up with the Cheneys and parroting conservative talking points rather than leaning into a strong, populist economic message was turning off voters,” Joseph told the NYT.

“We sounded the alarm,” he said to Axios. “But the party wouldn’t listen. They took the base for granted. People were voting their self-interest, which is their pocketbooks. Trump had an economic story, though flawed, while Harris’ narrative was vague.”

That’s why Our Revolution “aggressively worked to engage these voters on issues like job creation, wages, housing and health care to close the narrow margin,” Axios reported. In the end, just 5% of Republicans voted for Harris — less than voted for Joe Biden.  

The Times asked Joseph who Democratic Party would blame if they lost, and we already knew the answer:

“As they always do, the establishment will blame progressives instead of taking a serious look in the mirror and acknowledging their failure to lay out a clear vision for addressing the very real economic pain folks are feeling,” Joseph said.

Like clockwork, Bernie is being attacked by corporate Democrats for pointing out the obvious. Joseph summarized it well when he told Axios: “Voters want a leader who will take on corporate interests to improve their standard of living. The struggle is real, whether you’re Gen Z or a laid-off factory worker.”

Now, more than ever, we must transform the Party to be more democratic and responsive to the working class in order to beat back Trump and rising rightwing authoritarianism. Help us build our network of organizers and make sure we are prepared for 2025. Thank you.

Chicago School Board Victories

By Homepage, Progressive Champions, Revolution Report

Our Revolution partnered with the Chicago Teachers Union to fight against the Charter School billionaires and elect a slate of 4 new members to the School Board. Our progressive voting bloc includes public education champions Jennifer Custer, Ebony Deberry, Jitu Brown, and Yesenia Lopez.  

“Project 2025-aligned billionaires lost big in Chicago. Despite all they invested to block our union’s vision for public schools, they won’t be able to stop Chicago’s commitment to finally delivering for communities who have been told to go without for generations,” CTU president Stacy Davis Gates said.

Chicago School Board

By Homepage, Progressive Champions, Revolution Report

For the FIRST time ever, Chicago voters can elect their school board members. And, Our Revolution is supporting the Our Schools Slate of 10 progressives on the ballot!

We are proud to endorse:


District 1: Jennifer Custer

District 2: Ebony DeBerry

District 3: Jason Dones

District 4: Karen Zaccor

District 5: Jitu Brown

District 6: Anusha Thotakura

District 7: Yesenia Lopez

District 8: Felix Ponce

District 9: Lanetta Thomas

District 10: Rev. Robert Jones


Make a plan to vote and find your polling place here 

The ‘Our Schools’ slate of candidates is committed to fostering equity, inclusion, and excellence in education. They believe that every student in Chicago—regardless of their race, income, or zip code—receives a fully resourced, equitable, safe, and healthy learning environment.

On our recent Live Organizing Call, Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates said: “We have expanded democracy in the city of Chicago,” Stacy told us. “It’s an amazing feat, and it only happened because we organized AND we voted AND we went on Strike.. and and and..” Our diverse movement is fighting on every terrain — and that’s how we win.

Bernie Sanders founded Our Revolution in 2016 to build progressive power from the bottom up. Thank you for staying in the fight for the better world we all know is possible.

2024 Swing State Plan

By Homepage, Policy Fights, Revolution Report

We know our mission: Defeat Donald Trump and elect Progressives up and down the ballot.

Our goal is to make 5 million voter contacts into the 7 key swing states that will decide this election – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Four years ago, Biden/Harris narrowly beat Trump in 6 of these states with under 300,000 votes combined — and the polls right now are tight!  That means 2024 will be a turnout election — whichever side runs the most surgical and efficient voter mobilization program will prevail.   

Our Revolution has over 1.2 million supporters in these battlegrounds, and we know what it takes to mobilize our base of progressive voters. In 2020, we made over 5 million voter contacts, and with your support we hope to match or exceed that by November.  

Bernie founded Our Revolution in 2016 to be a people-powered progressive political organization to mobilize for candidates and causes up and down the ballot. Since then, we’ve built an effective voter turnout machine.

Because we’ve been doing election work every year in these 7 swing states, we not only have accurate voter data, we also have relationships with over 1000 activists on the ground who are motivated to door-knock, make calls, send texts, and use social media to motivate other progressives to vote. 

Chip in to help power our work in the homestretch to Election Day Nov. 5th. For every $1, our teams can make 5 voter contacts into a swing state.

Post Debate #2 Survey

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94% Say Harris Won the Debate in Our Revolution Survey of 10,000 Progressive Voters

Survey results showed 94% thought VP Harris won the debate against former President Trump. Respondents largely felt Harris was most effective on the issues of abortion and defending democracy, while expressing far less confidence in how the Vice President tackled questions on immigration, affordable housing, and climate change.

Stark warning signs for the Harris campaign emerged, however, when respondents were further questioned about specific policy positions and other factors related to the Vice President’s viability in the general election against Trump. According to findings from the Our Revolution post-debate survey:

  • More than half of respondents indicated that they have no intention to volunteer for the campaign or actively encourage family and friends to vote, despite an intent to vote for Harris themselves. 
  • 44 percent of respondents expressed doubt that Harris will take on corporate power in the White House.
  • A quarter of respondents indicated that they do not fully trust the Vice President, with 1 in 5 questioning her authenticity as a candidate.
  • 30 percent of those surveyed remain uncertain that Harris can defeat Trump.

“The Harris campaign won’t win by courting Never Trumpers at the expense of young progressives, millions of whom vote in swing states,” said Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese. “These voters don’t care what Dick Cheney has to say. They are ready, however, to hear the Vice President’s plans to reign in corporate power, address climate change, and make housing and healthcare more affordable in this country.”

With just 55 days remaining until the November election, the central challenge for the Harris campaign remains translating newfound enthusiasm for the Vice President into actual votes. 

Overall, data collected in our post-debate survey makes clear that despite the online fanfare on platforms like TikTok and X, the Vice President has work to do to win over skeptical progressives and young voters and convince them that she is aligned with their policy values on issues like reigning in corporate power and addressing climate change.

CA Yes on 33

By Homepage, Policy Fights, Revolution Report

The AVERAGE rent is now $2,895 in California, and more than 171,000 people are now homeless in the state.

The rent is still too damn high! And, that’s why Our Revolution is throwing our full support behind Proposition 33, the statewide ballot measure for rent control in California.

Renters and advocates delivered more than 730,000 letters to Gov. Gavin Newsom, urging him to support Yes on 33 — and now, voters will get to decide in November.

Not only will Prop 33 remove the California ban on Rent Control, it will allow cities and counties to expand Rent Control. AND – this is huge – it will allow local communities to stop predatory corporate landlords from charging unfair and unaffordable rents.

We are proud to be part of this massive coalition of renters, families, veterans, seniors, and young people fighting alongside social justice organizations and labor unions for Justice for Renters.

Add your name here to support Rent Control in California and help us get the word out to Vote Yes on 33 by Election Day Nov. 5th.



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Major Primary Victories — Not only did Ilhan Omar defeat Big Money with our help, but Our Revolution’s entire slate of endorsed progressives in Vermont won in a clean sweep on Tuesday — including our founder Bernie Sanders!

We mobilized our members, got out the vote, and sent a huge message to the establishment that good policy is good politics. This week marks our 8th anniversary since Bernie started Our Revolution, and these victories add to our growing success of electing more than 1,000 progressives up and down the ballot.

Ilhan Omar was the target of rightwing and pro-Israel PACs, but she had the grassroots at her back and overcame big money and racist attack ads to overwhelmingly defeat her primary challenger.

“Ilhan’s win is a powerful rebuke to the influence of corporate money in our democracy,” Our Rev Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told Common Dreams. “Her commitment to bold, progressive policies—whether it’s climate action, Medicare for All, or standing up for a permanent cease-fire and end to unconditional aid to Israel—resonates deeply.”

Bernie Sanders’ political revolution has brought millions of working people into the political process, and this week’s progressive victories are a direct result of his leadership. 

Bernie ignited a movement that has profoundly reshaped American politics. His vision of a fair and just society has not only become a rallying cry for millions but has also driven the Democratic Party to embrace progressive policies. 

The success of our entire slate of endorsed candidates shows that the people of Vermont, and Americans more broadly, are ready to embrace a future where government serves the interests of the people, not corporate and special interests. This is the power of organizing, and it’s how we will continue to win.

Alongside Bernie and Ilhan, Our Revolution is proud to celebrate the victories of a slate of progressive candidates who share his vision and dedication to the people of Vermont:


  • David Zuckerman, re-elected as Lieutenant Governor, is a lifelong advocate for environmental justice and the rights of working people. His decades-long collaboration with Bernie Sanders and his commitment to fighting corporate power make him a crucial leader in Vermont’s progressive movement.


  • Tanya Vyhovsky, newly elected to the State Senate for Chittenden-Central District, brings her background in social work and social justice to the forefront. Her victory underscores the demand for representation that truly reflects the voices of all Vermonters, particularly those fighting for affordable housing, a livable wage, and comprehensive healthcare.


  • Brian Cina, re-elected to the Vermont State House in District 15, has long been a champion of progressive change. His leadership in the Climate Solutions Caucus and Social Equity Caucus, along with his work as Co-chair of the Working Vermonters Caucus, has been instrumental in advancing key progressive policies in Vermont.


  • Emilie Kornheiser, re-elected to the Vermont State House in District 7 in Windham, continues her work to ensure equal rights, dignity, and access to essential services for all Vermonters. Her focus on creating a fair tax system to support quality healthcare, education, and affordable housing resonates deeply with the values of our movement.


  • Emilie Krasnow, re-elected in South Burlington, played a pivotal role in passing historic legislation that holds fossil fuel corporations accountable for the climate damage they cause. Her work, alongside her colleagues on our slate, exemplifies the kind of bold action needed to address the climate crisis.


These victories are a testament to the power of grassroots organizing and the enduring appeal of progressive values and policies. Our Revolution is proud to stand with these leaders as they continue the work of transforming Vermont and our nation.