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Revolution Report

Beyond the Ballot

By Revolution Report, Take Action

You’re not alone. The election results are devastating. This is a setback, but here’s the truth: we can’t let this defeat us. 

We’re going to do everything in our power to hold Trump and his fossil fuel cronies accountable — every step of the way.  We’re building a climate movement that is 365 days strong, and together, we can make a difference. 

Join us on Wednesday (Nov. 13) for a special virtual event Beyond the Ballot with Jane Fonda, Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese, and Sunrise Movement Executive Director Aru Shiney-Ajay

Be in good company as we break down the results and strategize our next steps to turn this moment into a powerful push for change. It’s time to turn our anger into action. Will you join us? RSVP HERE.

Post Election Survey Results

By Homepage, Revolution Report

In our post-election survey of more than 12,000 progressives, 85% told us they’re feeling Angry, Sad, and Depressed. The rest told us they’re Shocked or Confused.

While some ranked misogyny, racism, and xenophobia as factors in the election, many pointed to the neglect of working people, the failure of the Democratic Party, the late switch from Biden to Harris, and the campaign’s misguided focus on Cheney Republicans and celebrities.

76% said they believe the Democratic Party has lost its way, and 91% said they believe the Party has long neglected the multiracial working class.

Abandoned Working Class People

By Homepage, Progressive Champions, Revolution Report

“It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said the morning after the election.

“First it was the white working class, and now it’s Latino and Black workers as well. While the Democratic Party leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change. And they’re right.”

“In the coming months, those of us concerned with grassroots democracy and economic justice need to have some very serious discussions. Stay tuned,” Bernie said.

It’s time for the Democratic Party to take stock and heed the warnings that progressives and working class Americans have been raising for years.

Bernie founded Our Revolution to take on corporate power, elect progressives, and transform the party — which is exactly what we’re going to do in 2025 as fight back against Trump every step of the way. Chip in to the resistance here.

Our Revolution made more than 5,000,000 voter contacts into the battleground states — door knocking, calls, texts, emails, and more — flipping many folks who weren’t planning to vote for VP Harris — but it wasn’t enough.

For weeks, Our Rev Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese spoke out to the AP and NPR about the campaign’s dangerous strategy to court Republicans at the expense of the base, as our surveys and voter conversations revealed a worrying motivation gap for Harris.

“We were seeing clear evidence that buddying up with the Cheneys and parroting conservative talking points rather than leaning into a strong, populist economic message was turning off voters,” Joseph told the NYT.

“We sounded the alarm,” he said to Axios. “But the party wouldn’t listen. They took the base for granted. People were voting their self-interest, which is their pocketbooks. Trump had an economic story, though flawed, while Harris’ narrative was vague.”

That’s why Our Revolution “aggressively worked to engage these voters on issues like job creation, wages, housing and health care to close the narrow margin,” Axios reported. In the end, just 5% of Republicans voted for Harris — less than voted for Joe Biden.  

The Times asked Joseph who Democratic Party would blame if they lost, and we already knew the answer:

“As they always do, the establishment will blame progressives instead of taking a serious look in the mirror and acknowledging their failure to lay out a clear vision for addressing the very real economic pain folks are feeling,” Joseph said.

Like clockwork, Bernie is being attacked by corporate Democrats for pointing out the obvious. Joseph summarized it well when he told Axios: “Voters want a leader who will take on corporate interests to improve their standard of living. The struggle is real, whether you’re Gen Z or a laid-off factory worker.”

Now, more than ever, we must transform the Party to be more democratic and responsive to the working class in order to beat back Trump and rising rightwing authoritarianism. Help us build our network of organizers and make sure we are prepared for 2025. Thank you.

Chicago School Board Victories

By Homepage, Progressive Champions, Revolution Report

Our Revolution partnered with the Chicago Teachers Union to fight against the Charter School billionaires and elect a slate of 4 new members to the School Board. Our progressive voting bloc includes public education champions Jennifer Custer, Ebony Deberry, Jitu Brown, and Yesenia Lopez.  

“Project 2025-aligned billionaires lost big in Chicago. Despite all they invested to block our union’s vision for public schools, they won’t be able to stop Chicago’s commitment to finally delivering for communities who have been told to go without for generations,” CTU president Stacy Davis Gates said.

Revolution Report: November 9th, 2024

By Revolution Report, Revolution Report Newsletter

HEADLINES: Why Dems Lost | Survey Results: Progressives Speak Out | Down-Ballot Success Stories | St. Louis: Building Power in the Heartland | Chicago School Board Wins | Worker Rights Victories | & MORE!

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— How did we get here? —

“It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said the morning after the election.

“First it was the white working class, and now it’s Latino and Black workers as well. While the Democratic Party leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change. And they’re right.

“In the coming months, those of us concerned with grassroots democracy and economic justice need to have some very serious discussions. Stay tuned,” Bernie said.

It’s time for the Democratic Party to take stock and heed the warnings that progressives and working class Americans have been raising for years.

Bernie founded Our Revolution to take on corporate power, elect progressives, and transform the party — which is exactly what we’re going to do in 2025 as we fight back against Trump every step of the way. Chip in to the resistance here.

Our Revolution made more than 5,000,000 voter contacts into the battleground states — door knocking, calls, texts, emails, and more — flipping many folks who weren’t planning to vote for VP Harris — but it wasn’t enough.

For weeks, Our Rev Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese spoke out to the AP and NPR about the campaign’s dangerous strategy to court Republicans at the expense of the base, as our surveys and voter conversations revealed a worrying motivation gap for Harris.

“We were seeing clear evidence that buddying up with the Cheneys and parroting conservative talking points rather than leaning into a strong, populist economic message was turning off voters,” Joseph told the NYT.

"We sounded the alarm,” he said to Axios. “But the party wouldn’t listen. They took the base for granted. People were voting their self-interest, which is their pocketbooks. Trump had an economic story, though flawed, while Harris’ narrative was vague.”

That’s why Our Revolution “aggressively worked to engage these voters on issues like job creation, wages, housing and health care to close the narrow margin,” Axios reported. In the end, just 5% of Republicans voted for Harris — less than voted for Joe Biden.

The Times asked Joseph who the Democratic Party would blame if they lost, and we already knew the answer:

“As they always do, the establishment will blame progressives instead of taking a serious look in the mirror and acknowledging their failure to lay out a clear vision for addressing the very real economic pain folks are feeling,” Joseph said.

Like clockwork, Bernie is being attacked by corporate Democrats for pointing out the obvious. Joseph summarized it well when he told Axios: “Voters want a leader who will take on corporate interests to improve their standard of living. The struggle is real, whether you’re Gen Z or a laid-off factory worker.”

Now, more than ever, we must transform the Party to be more democratic and responsive to the working class in order to beat back Trump and rising rightwing authoritarianism. Help us build our network of organizers and make sure we are prepared for 2025. Thank you.

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In our post-election survey of more than 12,000 progressives, 85% told us they’re feeling Angry, Sad, and Depressed. The rest told us they’re Shocked or Confused.

While some ranked misogyny, racism, and xenophobia as factors in the election, many pointed to the neglect of working people, the failure of the Democratic Party, the late switch from Biden to Harris, and the campaign’s misguided focus on Cheney Republicans and celebrities.

76% said they believe the Democratic Party has lost its way, and 91% said they believe the Party has long neglected the multiracial working class.

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You’re not alone. The election results are devastating. This is a setback, but here’s the truth: we can’t let this defeat us.

We’re going to do everything in our power to hold Trump and his fossil fuel cronies accountable — every step of the way. We're building a climate movement that is 365 days strong, and together, we can make a difference.

Join us on Wednesday (Nov. 13) for a special virtual event Beyond the Ballot with Jane Fonda, Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese, and Sunrise Movement Executive Director Aru Shiney-Ajay.

Be in good company as we break down the results and strategize our next steps to turn this moment into a powerful push for change. It’s time to turn our anger into action. Will you join us? RSVP HERE.

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Ballot measures were a critical part of our work because we knew we wanted to use this election to deliver real change for people’s lives and make our communities more resilient in case of a Trump victory.

Here are just a couple of the winning propositions from Tuesday night:

In Denver, all public workers will finally have union rights they’ve been denied for far too long thanks to passage of 2U. We were proud to phonebank, text, and email voters to help fix Denver’s broken laws so librarians, sanitation workers, and others could take their rightful seat at the table to advocate for their safety, pay, and benefits.

In Massachusetts, Our Revolution worked to get out the vote for YES ON 3 which allows Uber and Lyft drivers to join a union in Massachusetts if they want to!

This will now empower rideshare drivers with the option to form a union, while maintaining flexibility and independence. AND, it will help drivers negotiate for better pay, working conditions and job protections.

Missouri voted for a handful progressive ballot measures - including a minimum wage increase and paid family leave. And Missouri joined 6 other states in passing abortion rights!

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Silver linings this election come from crucial down ballot wins — which is why Our Revolution is dedicated to building progressive power from the bottom up!

Here are just a few highlights from our many down ballot victories:

Lateefah Simon will be the next member of our growing Progressive Caucus in Congress — joining some of our top progressive leaders like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Pramila Jayapal, all vocal advocates for peace who won their races by a wide margin.

Our Revolution has been in Lateefah’s corner since she announced her run to replace retiring Congresswoman Barbara Lee in California’s 12th District. And she’s a strong voice for healthcare, worker rights, and housing.

“These are local issues, but the federal government has an opportunity to bring back resources to the ground in our communities. The old party line isn’t working anymore,” Lateefah told us. “We don’t need to be scared of folks who are on the other side of our politics because we have been here before.”

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Our Revolution is continuing to build progressive power in the heartland. Over multiple election cycles in St. Louis, we worked with President Megan Green of the Board of Alders to build a governing majority on the city council. This Election Day, we grew our influence by organizing to elect Marty Murray to the Missouri House and Alfred Montgomery as Sheriff of St. Louis City.

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Our Revolution partnered with the Chicago Teachers Union to fight against the Charter School billionaires and elect a slate of 4 new members to the School Board. Our progressive voting bloc includes public education champions Jennifer Custer, Ebony Deberry, Jitu Brown, and Yesenia Lopez.

“Project 2025-aligned billionaires lost big in Chicago. Despite all they invested to block our union's vision for public schools, they won’t be able to stop Chicago’s commitment to finally delivering for communities who have been told to go without for generations,” CTU president Stacy Davis Gates said.

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Our Revolution endorsed candidate Jackie Fielder handily won her race to succeed San Francisco Supervisor Hillary Ronen, also an Our Revolution ally. Our Revolution backed Jackie’s first run for state senate in 2020 which she lost to the establishment Dem.

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There’s a special election in Virginia on Nov. 16, and Our Revolution is proud to endorse Ibraheem Samirah for VA State Senate District 32.

Big problems require bold solutions like the ones Ibraheem championed in the Virginia House of Delegates — including state-level Medicare for All, a Virginia Green New Deal, and quality, affordable housing.

The SD-32 primary is the national progressive movement’s opening salvo against Trump. We need to win elections by sending in a new generation of leaders who are unafraid to take the fight to MAGA extremists and will offer a bold vision for the future.

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In our post-election survey of more than 12,000 progressives, one of the top fears of progressives is that Trump will roll back climate protections and double down on his pledge to drill baby drill.

We’re going to do everything in our power to hold Trump and his fossil fuel cronies accountable — every step of the way. We’re building a climate movement that is 365 days strong, and together, we can make a difference.

Join us on Wednesday (Nov. 13) for a special virtual event Beyond the Ballot with Jane Fonda, Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese, and Sunrise Movement Executive Director Aru Shiney-Ajay.

Be in good company as we break down the results and strategize our next steps to turn this moment into a powerful push for change. It’s time to turn our anger into action. Will you join us? RSVP HERE.

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Chicago School Board

By Homepage, Progressive Champions, Revolution Report

For the FIRST time ever, Chicago voters can elect their school board members. And, Our Revolution is supporting the Our Schools Slate of 10 progressives on the ballot!

We are proud to endorse:


District 1: Jennifer Custer

District 2: Ebony DeBerry

District 3: Jason Dones

District 4: Karen Zaccor

District 5: Jitu Brown

District 6: Anusha Thotakura

District 7: Yesenia Lopez

District 8: Felix Ponce

District 9: Lanetta Thomas

District 10: Rev. Robert Jones


Make a plan to vote and find your polling place here 

The ‘Our Schools’ slate of candidates is committed to fostering equity, inclusion, and excellence in education. They believe that every student in Chicago—regardless of their race, income, or zip code—receives a fully resourced, equitable, safe, and healthy learning environment.

On our recent Live Organizing Call, Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates said: “We have expanded democracy in the city of Chicago,” Stacy told us. “It’s an amazing feat, and it only happened because we organized AND we voted AND we went on Strike.. and and and..” Our diverse movement is fighting on every terrain — and that’s how we win.

Bernie Sanders founded Our Revolution in 2016 to build progressive power from the bottom up. Thank you for staying in the fight for the better world we all know is possible.

Chicago School Board

By Revolution Report

Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates joined our Live Call and laid out our plan to elect progressive school board in Chicago. 

For the FIRST time ever, Chicago voters will be able to elect their school board members — and Our Revolution is supporting CTU’s powerful slate of 10 progressives on the ballot.

“We have expanded democracy in the city of Chicago,” Stacy told us. “It’s an amazing feat, and it only happened because we organized AND we voted AND we went on Strike.. and and and..” Our diverse movement is fighting on every terrain — and that’s how we win.

Revolution Report: October 5th, 2024

By Revolution Report, Revolution Report Newsletter

HEADLINES: 2024 Homestretch Kick Off | Ilhan Omar on Tim Walz | John Nichols: Bold Economic Vision | Swing State Survey Results | CA Rent Control | Chicago School Board | Denver Worker Rights | New Endorsements | Phonebank Week | & MORE!

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With just ONE MONTH to Election Day, Our Revolution’s GOTV operation is in full force in the swing states to defeat Trump once and for all. Chip in to help us make 5 million voter contacts into the 7 battleground states.

Ilhan Omar joined Our Revolution and thousands of progressives tuning in LIVE from around the country to kick off the final Homestretch of the 2024 Election.

Ilhan knows how crucial grassroots GOTV work is in a turnout election — and how important it is to reach voters who may face language barriers or need extra help getting to the polls. She also knows the stakes of this election.

“In Minnesota we made transformative legislation with Tim Walz as Governor, and I know that’s possible for us as progressives to have that level of co-governance with him if he becomes the VP of this country,” Ilhan said.

Also on the Live Call, we released Our Revolution’s Swing State Survey results (see below) and drilled down on exciting down ballot fights for housing, union rights, climate, education, and more.

Donate any amount to help ramp up our on-the-ground organizing in the battleground states and beyond. We’re on a mission to beat Trump and elect more progressives at every level.

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Writer John Nichols of The Nation joined our discussion, sharing his insights on the state of the race after traveling the swing states.

John said voters are hungry for a clear vision for economic renewal, and that the Harris/Walz ticket needs to do better in rural areas than both Hillary and Biden did in order to win.

“For young voters or disenchanted voters, there’s an intersection between raising wages, access to unions, restoring manufacturing, and saving the planet. They need to hear that 21st Century vision,” he said.

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From our survey of more than 1,400 Our Revolution supporters in the 7 swing states, we’re seeing some worrying signs of a motivation gap among progressives.

One in four told us they know progressives who aren’t planning to vote for Harris — and four out of five think Harris providing more policy details would help sway voters in their swing state.

We know that celebrity endorsements won’t be enough — it will take voter-to-voter outreach to make up the tight margins in states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Unfortunately, our organizers and survey-takers are reporting an influx of grassroots Trump canvassers and door-knockers — and the majority say they’re seeing more Trump signs than Harris signs in their neighborhoods.


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The polls are razor thin, and Our Revolution is carrying out a massive Swing State Operation to make 5 million voter contacts into the key battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Biden/Harris narrowly beat Trump by less than 300,000 votes in these states four years ago, and 2024 will be a turnout election — whichever side runs the most effective voter mobilization will prevail.

Our Revolution organizers like William and Jessica are hitting the streets in the 7 swing states that will decide the 2024 presidential election.

Not only are we knocking doors and setting up events for direct voter outreach — our national team is mounting a massive phonebank operation. (p.s. Can you spot our GOTV kitty in the picture above?)

We must maximize the next 30 days to Nov. 5th. Please pitch in any amount to power our Swing State Strategy — there’s no time to waste.

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For those who can’t donate, we hope you’ll consider volunteering for a shift with our Swing State Phone Bank — which kicked off this week with thousands of calls into Pennsylvania and Arizona.

This is the best way for progressives to make an impact from anywhere in the country, and have fun while we’re at it! This is how we run up the margins where it matters most.


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To illustrate just how powerful the grassroots can be, look no further than the victory of Dave Upthegrove for WA State Public Lands Commissioner — a key seat for climate and the environment.

Our Revolution made 300,000 voter contacts into the state ahead of election day, then helped chase down ballots to beat Big Timber’s hand-picked candidates by just 49 votes — out of more than 2 million votes cast!

“The takeaway is simple. Every vote matters,” Dave told us on the Live Call Monday night. “Timber put $1.2 million behind our opponent and we won by running a grassroots campaign. Our Revolution’s work matters, keep it up!”

With his background in conservation, Dave will protect the forests, work to prevent forest fires, and grow local economies. And he will be the first openly gay statewide executive in state history!

Chip in to help us scale up this kind of work to beat Trump and the far right, while electing more progressives like Dave up and down the ballot.

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Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates joined our Live Call and laid out our plan to elect a progressive school board in Chicago.

For the FIRST time ever, Chicago voters will be able to elect their school board members — and Our Revolution is supporting CTU’s powerful slate of 10 progressives on the ballot.

“We have expanded democracy in the city of Chicago,” Stacy told us. “It’s an amazing feat, and it only happened because we organized AND we voted AND we went on Strike.. and and and..” Our diverse movement is fighting on every terrain — and that’s how we win.

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“For the people, not the powerful.” That’s the rallying cry of the campaign of Dean Preston for San Francisco Supervisor (D-5) — who has the support of both Our Revolution and Bernie Sanders.

Our powerhouse slate in Northern California also includes Kate Harrison for Mayor of Berkeley, Vinnie Bacon for Mayor of Fremont, Carroll Fife for Oakland City Council (D-3), Jackie Fielder for SF Supervisor (D-9), and Lynda Deschambault for East Bay Parks District (Ward 2).

These are candidates who have a record of championing the issues that directly impact the bottom line of moneyed interests — from taxing the rich to protecting tenants rights. Let’s get them into office!

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Housing has rightfully become a top national issue this election season. We’re proud to be part of the coalition fighting for direct policy change in California that could be replicated in other states.

Michael Weinstein of Justice for Renters joined our Live Call Monday to rally for Prop 33 — the ballot measure for CA Rent Control which would also allow local communities to stop predatory corporate landlords from charging unfair rent.

“The rent is too damn high,” Michael said. “California is the poorest state by standard of living. Billionaire corporate landlords are sucking this country dry. They’re using algorithms to squeeze the last bit of money out of tenants.”

“Solving the housing affordability crisis requires a variety of approaches, but it starts with the rent,” he said. This is why Our Revolution is calling, texting, emailing, and having conversations with Californians to vote Yes on Prop 33.

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"We’re poised to win worker’s rights at the ballot box in Denver,” CWA Organizer Katie Romich told our live audience Monday night.

Our Revolution is proudly supporting the Stronger Denver ballot measure for collective bargaining rights for all public workers — Vote Yes on 2U!

Despite NOT having organizing rights, Denver workers joined together and built the political power to get collective bargaining on the ballot, Katie explained. She thanked Our Revolution for mobilizing to make over 50,000 voter contacts to get the Mayor and City Council to stand with workers.

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This is climate chaos in action — and one of the deadliest storms in U.S. history. Our Revolution is joining with Sunrise Movement, Friends of the Earth, and other great organizations to hold Big Oil accountable for the horrific damage of storms like Hurricane Helene.

The full scale of devastation is still being calculated, but hundreds of Americans are dead from Florida northward to Western North Carolina. FEMA has specifically cited climate change as having made the storm more dangerous.

Insult to injury — our own tax dollars continue to supercharge disasters like Helene. Instead of taxpayers pouring $20 billion a year in subsidies to Big Oil, we should be charging them a tax to clean up their fossil-fueled disasters.

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Billionaires and corporate cronies are pouring millions into the 2024 election trying to elect Trump AND beat some of our top progressive champions — but we refuse to be silenced by the donor class.

We must out-organize the Big Money and rightwing extremists with a massive GOTV operation in the swing states and beyond. Donate to Our Revolution’s Swing State Fund to help us make 5 million voter contacts into the 7 key battleground states.

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Be part of our 7 Days of Calls into the 7 Swing States — which just kicked off this week! Help shift the outcome of the 2024 Election from anywhere in the country, and have fun doing it. Click here to take action with Our Revolution’s Swing State Phone Bank.

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We’ve brought back our coziest Our Revolution Hoodie just in time for Fall and the homestretch to Election Day. Every purchase from our store helps power our organizers on the ground and on the phones. Thanks for your support!


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We Will Not Be Silenced

By Policy Fights, Revolution Report

Greenpeace is under attack from the notorious corporate polluter Energy Transfer – which is trying to bankrupt the organization for standing up against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

As Rep. Jamie Raskin told the Wall Street Journal, “Energy Transfer’s $300 million lawsuit against Greenpeace shows how megacorporations deploy legal strategies to strong-arm and crush their critics.

Our Revolution is joining with hundreds of our allies to demand that the corporation – which also is behind the massive pipeline fire now raging in Houston – to drop the meritless lawsuit, warning that it “could have a chilling effect on anyone engaged in peaceful protest and assembly.”


Stronger Denver

By Policy Fights, Revolution Report

Thanks to grassroots organizing, the Stronger Denver campaign for collective bargaining rights for all public sector workers will be on the ballot in November!

While firefighters and police officers have a voice on the job, most of the 11,000 public workers in Denver do not have collective bargaining rights, making the city an outlier among peer cities across the country. 

Beginning in 2022, all county workers in Colorado have collective bargaining rights. It is time for workers in the city and county of Denver to be able to secure these basic rights as well. 

City workers keep Denver running. Librarians, social workers, recycling collectors and other city workers deserve union rights and the ability to collectively bargain. Everyone deserves safe jobs, family-sustaining wages, and time to spend with loved ones.

Donate to help us mobilize for key down ballot races and ballot measures as we head into November!