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Our Revolution Twin Cities has a powerhouse slate of progressives in Minnesota – and we are working to get out the vote to make sure each of these champions wins re-election! 

These candidates include Minneapolis City Council members Jeremiah Ellison, Elliot Payne, and Robin Wonsley. And, in St. Paul, we are backing City Council members Mitra Jalali and Nelsie Yang. 

Also in Minnesota, Our Revolution members weighed in and we are endorsing an exciting slate of progressive champions to win a majority on the city council in Duluth! 

We’re organizing to elect these three amazing women: Miranda Pacheco and Jenna Yeakle for City Council At-Large and Wendy Durrwachter for City Council District 1. 

These candidates have a real shot at winning and building a strong progressive bloc of local power, and we can’t let an opportunity like this pass us by!