In Michigan, and it’s time to re-elect U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Layla Taha for State House (HD-25) and Alyshia Dyer for Washtenaw Co. Sheriff— all endorsed by Our Revolution. Vote by Aug. 6th.
We must protect and expand progressive power in Michigan — and that starts with voting for this inspiring slate of candidates and re-electing one of our most formidable partners in Congress.
Rashida Tlaib has been a fearless champion for a ceasefire in Gaza, racial justice, and working people. Rashida has led visionary legislation and pushed for bold changes to our unjust status quo since she began serving in the U.S. House of Representatives in January 2019.
We need to keep her voice in Congress!
Due to 2022’s redistricting, our districts have changed. Rep. Rashida Tlaib ran and was re-elected to serve Michigan’s newly-formed 12th Congressional District in Congress, which includes many communities in Wayne and southern Oakland Counties.
We’re excited to support Layla Taha for State Representative in Michigan (HD-25), whose commitment to public health is driven by her belief in prioritizing people over profits.
Layla has been part of this fight for nearly a decade as a public health advocate and community organizer, now she’s running as a progressive Democrat focused on securing quality, affordable healthcare for all Michiganders, fighting for a livable wage for working families, and delivering environmental justice to ensure residents have access to clean water and air.
Our Revolution is proudly backing Alyshia Dyer for Washtenaw County Sheriff. Alyshia has been a consistent champion of progressive values for years, and she's running to create a sheriff's office that truly respects and protects the whole community.
Experiencing homelessness as a juvenile deeply influenced Alyshia's perspective on the importance of community support and social justice. She has served as a road patrol deputy, earned degrees in social work, and gained administrative experience with Detroit's Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity Department. Let’s elect a progressive sheriff!
We have much more good work to do in Michigan! Be sure to find your in person early voting site here, and remind your friends and family to get out to vote.
When we organize, we win!
Our Revolution