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Progressive Champions

Barbara Lee Calls for Peace

By Progressive Champions

As atrocities are carried out in the Middle East and far right voices grow louder in Congress, it’s clear why progressives must unify now to grow our ranks and work for global peace and prosperity. 

On Tuesday, we must defeat rightwing extremists at the ballot box and save abortion rights in states like Ohio and Virginia. And, we must start working now for 2024 to take back the House and elect progressives like Barbara Lee – the only candidate for the U.S. Senate in California to call for a ceasefire in Israel/Palestine. 

Check out this latest LA Times article on why Barbara is the Peace Candidate in this race compared to her opponents Katie Porter and Adam Schiff. 

Our Revolution stands with U.S. Reps. Barbara Lee, Cori Bush, Summer Lee and our other progressive allies in Congress who are calling for an end to the violence. 


Barbara Lee Speaks Truth to Power

By Progressive Champions

“The reason Gavin Newsom didn’t appoint Barbara Lee is the reason she should be a senator,” wrote John Nichols in The Nation.

Barbara Lee has a “tradition of speaking truth to power” — and she’s the most progressive, most experienced candidate in the race. Newsom promised to choose a black woman to fill the vacancy, but he passed over Barbara Lee for a corporate Democratic insider who has lobbied for Airbnb and Uber.

The political establishment is clearly threatened by Barbara Lee and don’t want to see her team up with Bernie Sanders in the Senate. That’s why grassroots and progressive leaders like Ro Khanna, Cori Bush, Pramila Jayapal, and others are rallying behind Barbara.

Barbara Lee has been in the trenches from Day 1 for workers, climate, peace, Medicare for All, and more — and she can win this election on the merits.


Victory in Seattle

By Progressive Champions

VICTORY! All three of Our Revolution-backed candidates in Seattle are leading the vote counts after Tuesday’s primary! 

Teresa Mosqueda and Jorge Baron are in the lead for King County Council seats, along with Tammy Morales for Seattle City Council, and the trio appear to be heading to the general election in November. 

Each of them have shown they will have our back and our fight for progressive values. Thank you to the support and activism of Our Revolution members in Washington whose democratic input and activism made these wins possible!


Aaron Regunberg Pulls Away

By Progressive Champions

Aaron Regunberg has started to pull away as the front-runner in this crowded field for Congress just days ahead of Election Day – good timing that comes after a big rally with Bernie Sanders last weekend. 

Our Revolution members felt the excitement in the room for Regunberg, who has delivered paid sick days and higher wages for Rhode Islanders. In his day job as a lawyer, he’s held Big Oil accountable for environmental crimes. 

“Friends, we’re gonna win this thing, and we’re going to take these fights all the way to Congress,” Aaron told the crowd. “This is a district that can support more than just another Democrat, we can elect someone who is going to organize up there.” 

Bernie addressed a packed house for Aaron, saying: “This is not just about electing another member of Congress. We need leadership with the courage to take on the incredible power of the 1 percent.” 

“Brothers and sisters, this is a fight that Aaron alone will not be waging, that I alone will not be waging – now is the time for a political revolution of working families coming together to tell the people on top this country belongs to all of us,” Bernie said. 


Leah Perkel for City Council

By Progressive Champions

Our Revolution is endorsing progressive grassroots organizer Leah Perkel for City Council in Vancouver, WA (Position 6)!

Leah is an Our Revolution member and a former Bernie delegate. She has firsthand experience with medical debt resulting from our lousy private health insurance system, and she wants to be an agent of change to help create healthier people and communities.

Leah will stand up to the big money interests and be a voice for the people on affordable housing, the environment, equity, and more. She has also been endorsed by OneAmerica, founded by US Rep. Pramila Jayapal.


Barbara Lee for Senate

By Progressive Champions

“At the end of the day, Barbara Lee is the movementcandidate,” Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told The Nation’s John Nichols in an exclusive interview about our endorsement.

She’s a lifelong organizer who has been in the trenches with working people from Day 1.

Representative Lee has been ranked the most progressive member of the US House, she’s been one of the most effective progressives in the country, and she has stood for what’s right even when she’s had to stand alone.

Many remember Barbara Lee’s lone vote against the War in Afghanistan, and she has been a constant voice for people, peace, and the planet throughout her life and career.

Barbara Lee comes from the working class and she would be the only black woman in the Senate. Her lived experience fuels her fight for single moms, abortion rights, economic justice, and more.

“When I’m elected I’m going to fight like you all are fighting – with this movement behind me – to expand voting rights, push for ambitious climate change policy, put a cap on corporate monopolies, and finally to pass Medicare for All,” she told us Tuesday.

Rep. Lee was an original cosponsor of Medicare for Alland the first to introduce a single payer healthcare bill in California. She was also one of the first climate champions — working to end taxpayer-funded giveaways to Big Oiland pledging to not take money from the fossil fuels industry. In fact, she’s not taking any corporate PAC money!

Barbara has worked closely with Bernie Sanders for many years — and he needs her as a partner in the Senate. Together, they co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus and, just recently, introduced a bill to tax the wealthy.

She was among the first to the Fight for $15 and a Union, joining Bernie and Keith Ellison on the picket lines with workers when no one else would stand with them — and she is still fighting alongside labor in California.


Jovanka Beckles for State Senate

By Progressive Champions

Our Revolution is excited to endorse Jovanka Beckles for California State Senate in 2024! 

We backed Jovanka in her successful runs for Richmond City Council, and she’s been twice backed by Bernie Sanders – including in 2014 when she took on Chevron for polluting her community and WON! 

As a city councilor, she was able to increase the minimum wage, pass rent control, pass Ban the Box, and support local labor unions. As a member of Teamsters Local 856, Jovanka can be found on picket lines at a moment’s notice. 

“These were progressive policies that I continued to push for even after being told they would be impossible to do on the local level,” Jovanka said on a recent Our Revolution broadcast. 

Jovanka would be the first black candidate to represent this district in nearly 40 years. She brings lived experience as a Black, Queer, immigrant, Latinx woman and a voice that is needed in state government. 

“I’m running because we need bold leadership who will be courageous on climate, healthcare, criminal justice reform, housing, taxing the rich, women’s and worker’s rights,” she said. “I’m proud to be a part of this movement for change, for a society that puts people over profit.” 

Our Revolution organizers are already getting started ahead of the March primary! Help us build a winning grassroots team now to make sure we’re ready to get Jovanka to victory as the next State Senator in California! 


Getting out the Vote for Wendell Gilliard

By Progressive Champions

Our Revolution is working to get out the vote in South Carolina, where State Rep. Wendell Gilliard is running for State Senate in South Carolina (SC – 42) in a special election this Tuesday! 

Gilliard kicked off his campaign with an economic justice bus tour and led a rally for higher wages with Bernie Sanders in Charleston. He was a 2020 campaign co-chair for Bernie and state director in South Carolina, and like Bernie, he has been a powerful champion champion of working people for decades. 

US Rep. Ro Khanna has also joined us in campaigning for Wendell Gilliard who’s been a union leader, a Charleston City Councilor, and a fighter in the SC House for good-paying jobs, neighborhood safety, and criminal justice reform. 

“We need a voice not afraid to speak truth to power,” Wendell said. “They want this seat so they can keep power in Columbia and not in your hands. They want to control the money, jobs, and opportunities.” 


Bernie endorses Regunberg

By Progressive Champions

Bernie Sanders just endorsed progressive climate champion Aaron Regunberg for the September 5th special election in Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District. 

Aaron is running to succeed David Cicillini and hold R1-1 for progressives and the working class. Electing Aaron means protecting the largest progressive caucus in Congressional history. 

Jalen is a former public school teacher, who is dedicated to housing as a human right and green building to meet the city’s climate goals.

Election Day is May 6th in Texas! We have to make sure that folks who are willing to stand up don’t lose their bid for re-election for standing against powerful interests.


Jalen McKee-Rodriguez for City Council

By Progressive Champions No Comments

Our Revolution is endorsing Jalen McKee-Rodriguez for re-election to San Antonio City Council (D-2).

Jalen is a former public school teacher, who is dedicated to housing as a human right and green building to meet the city’s climate goals.

Election Day is May 6th in Texas! We have to make sure that folks who are willing to stand up don’t lose their bid for re-election for standing against powerful interests.