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VICTORY! Our Revolution helped elect Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson earlier this year, and this week he officially delivered on his campaign promise to eliminate the “subminimum wage” for tipped workers! 

Together with One Fair Wage, we fought for this new law which calls for tipped workers — currently paid 60% of Chicago’s minimum wage — to receive 8% annual increases beginning next July until they reach 100% parity in 2028, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

In July, Mayor Brandon Johnson joined us to serve up food to restaurant workers and raise awareness in this fight. Our own members submitted testimony directly, and we just won!

Stay tuned! In Ohio and Arizona, Our Revolution has teams canvassing for signatures for petition drives that will put a $20+ MINIMUM WAGE directly on the ballot in 2024. 

Our movement is critical to advancing policies that raise wages and quality of life for the working class. If you’re not already a monthly member of Our Revolution, sign up today!