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Two New Progressive State Party Chairs

Two New Progressive State Party Chairs


Congratulations to two new progressive state party chairs: Shasti Conrad, a former Bernie staffer, was just elected Washington State Party Chair! And, union organizer Yolanda Bejarano won a contested race for Arizona State Party Chair! 

Yolanda had the backing of Ruben Gallego, who is challenging Kyrsten Sinema in 2024; and progressives swept 10 of the 10 seats they ran for on the AZ State Party Executive Board!

“We now have a working progressive majority in the Arizona Dem Party, Our Revolution PDA-AZ Leader Dan O’Neal was excited to announce on our broadcast. “It’s all about winning and it’s all about power!”

Progressives now hold leadership positions in 20 state parties, and we’re building out power state by state.