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2024 Swing State Plan

By Homepage, Policy Fights, Revolution Report

We know our mission: Defeat Donald Trump and elect Progressives up and down the ballot.

Our goal is to make 5 million voter contacts into the 7 key swing states that will decide this election – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Four years ago, Biden/Harris narrowly beat Trump in 6 of these states with under 300,000 votes combined — and the polls right now are tight!  That means 2024 will be a turnout election — whichever side runs the most surgical and efficient voter mobilization program will prevail.   

Our Revolution has over 1.2 million supporters in these battlegrounds, and we know what it takes to mobilize our base of progressive voters. In 2020, we made over 5 million voter contacts, and with your support we hope to match or exceed that by November.  

Bernie founded Our Revolution in 2016 to be a people-powered progressive political organization to mobilize for candidates and causes up and down the ballot. Since then, we’ve built an effective voter turnout machine.

Because we’ve been doing election work every year in these 7 swing states, we not only have accurate voter data, we also have relationships with over 1000 activists on the ground who are motivated to door-knock, make calls, send texts, and use social media to motivate other progressives to vote. 

Chip in to help power our work in the homestretch to Election Day Nov. 5th. For every $1, our teams can make 5 voter contacts into a swing state.

Post Debate #2 Survey

By Homepage, Policy Fights, Revolution Report

94% Say Harris Won the Debate in Our Revolution Survey of 10,000 Progressive Voters

Survey results showed 94% thought VP Harris won the debate against former President Trump. Respondents largely felt Harris was most effective on the issues of abortion and defending democracy, while expressing far less confidence in how the Vice President tackled questions on immigration, affordable housing, and climate change.

Stark warning signs for the Harris campaign emerged, however, when respondents were further questioned about specific policy positions and other factors related to the Vice President’s viability in the general election against Trump. According to findings from the Our Revolution post-debate survey:

  • More than half of respondents indicated that they have no intention to volunteer for the campaign or actively encourage family and friends to vote, despite an intent to vote for Harris themselves. 
  • 44 percent of respondents expressed doubt that Harris will take on corporate power in the White House.
  • A quarter of respondents indicated that they do not fully trust the Vice President, with 1 in 5 questioning her authenticity as a candidate.
  • 30 percent of those surveyed remain uncertain that Harris can defeat Trump.

“The Harris campaign won’t win by courting Never Trumpers at the expense of young progressives, millions of whom vote in swing states,” said Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese. “These voters don’t care what Dick Cheney has to say. They are ready, however, to hear the Vice President’s plans to reign in corporate power, address climate change, and make housing and healthcare more affordable in this country.”

With just 55 days remaining until the November election, the central challenge for the Harris campaign remains translating newfound enthusiasm for the Vice President into actual votes. 

Overall, data collected in our post-debate survey makes clear that despite the online fanfare on platforms like TikTok and X, the Vice President has work to do to win over skeptical progressives and young voters and convince them that she is aligned with their policy values on issues like reigning in corporate power and addressing climate change.

CA Yes on 33

By Homepage, Policy Fights, Revolution Report

The AVERAGE rent is now $2,895 in California, and more than 171,000 people are now homeless in the state.

The rent is still too damn high! And, that’s why Our Revolution is throwing our full support behind Proposition 33, the statewide ballot measure for rent control in California.

Renters and advocates delivered more than 730,000 letters to Gov. Gavin Newsom, urging him to support Yes on 33 — and now, voters will get to decide in November.

Not only will Prop 33 remove the California ban on Rent Control, it will allow cities and counties to expand Rent Control. AND – this is huge – it will allow local communities to stop predatory corporate landlords from charging unfair and unaffordable rents.

We are proud to be part of this massive coalition of renters, families, veterans, seniors, and young people fighting alongside social justice organizations and labor unions for Justice for Renters.

Add your name here to support Rent Control in California and help us get the word out to Vote Yes on 33 by Election Day Nov. 5th.



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Major Primary Victories — Not only did Ilhan Omar defeat Big Money with our help, but Our Revolution’s entire slate of endorsed progressives in Vermont won in a clean sweep on Tuesday — including our founder Bernie Sanders!

We mobilized our members, got out the vote, and sent a huge message to the establishment that good policy is good politics. This week marks our 8th anniversary since Bernie started Our Revolution, and these victories add to our growing success of electing more than 1,000 progressives up and down the ballot.

Ilhan Omar was the target of rightwing and pro-Israel PACs, but she had the grassroots at her back and overcame big money and racist attack ads to overwhelmingly defeat her primary challenger.

“Ilhan’s win is a powerful rebuke to the influence of corporate money in our democracy,” Our Rev Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told Common Dreams. “Her commitment to bold, progressive policies—whether it’s climate action, Medicare for All, or standing up for a permanent cease-fire and end to unconditional aid to Israel—resonates deeply.”

Bernie Sanders’ political revolution has brought millions of working people into the political process, and this week’s progressive victories are a direct result of his leadership. 

Bernie ignited a movement that has profoundly reshaped American politics. His vision of a fair and just society has not only become a rallying cry for millions but has also driven the Democratic Party to embrace progressive policies. 

The success of our entire slate of endorsed candidates shows that the people of Vermont, and Americans more broadly, are ready to embrace a future where government serves the interests of the people, not corporate and special interests. This is the power of organizing, and it’s how we will continue to win.

Alongside Bernie and Ilhan, Our Revolution is proud to celebrate the victories of a slate of progressive candidates who share his vision and dedication to the people of Vermont:


  • David Zuckerman, re-elected as Lieutenant Governor, is a lifelong advocate for environmental justice and the rights of working people. His decades-long collaboration with Bernie Sanders and his commitment to fighting corporate power make him a crucial leader in Vermont’s progressive movement.


  • Tanya Vyhovsky, newly elected to the State Senate for Chittenden-Central District, brings her background in social work and social justice to the forefront. Her victory underscores the demand for representation that truly reflects the voices of all Vermonters, particularly those fighting for affordable housing, a livable wage, and comprehensive healthcare.


  • Brian Cina, re-elected to the Vermont State House in District 15, has long been a champion of progressive change. His leadership in the Climate Solutions Caucus and Social Equity Caucus, along with his work as Co-chair of the Working Vermonters Caucus, has been instrumental in advancing key progressive policies in Vermont.


  • Emilie Kornheiser, re-elected to the Vermont State House in District 7 in Windham, continues her work to ensure equal rights, dignity, and access to essential services for all Vermonters. Her focus on creating a fair tax system to support quality healthcare, education, and affordable housing resonates deeply with the values of our movement.


  • Emilie Krasnow, re-elected in South Burlington, played a pivotal role in passing historic legislation that holds fossil fuel corporations accountable for the climate damage they cause. Her work, alongside her colleagues on our slate, exemplifies the kind of bold action needed to address the climate crisis.


These victories are a testament to the power of grassroots organizing and the enduring appeal of progressive values and policies. Our Revolution is proud to stand with these leaders as they continue the work of transforming Vermont and our nation.


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Our Revolution-endorsed candidates brought home some incredible wins from the Aug. 6th primary elections across Michigan, Missouri, and Washington State. 

Not only did we have key progressive allies on the ballot for Congress, but we also notched down-ballot victories that will put down-ballot champions on the ballot to grow progressive power in November.

U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal won her primary in Washington State, and we’ll have her back through November and beyond! 

Pramila has been a critical ally for our movement as the Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. She’s led on the Medicare for All Act, defending abortion rights, and passing the largest-ever climate bill, and more. We need her leadership to continue!

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (MI-12) beat the big money with grassroots enthusiasm and also heads to the general election in November! 

Rashida has been a fearless champion for a ceasefire in Gaza, racial justice, and working people. No matter how much the far right comes after her, we must keep fighting back and doing the work to keep her important voice in Congress!

Also in Michigan, Congrats are in order for Alyshia Dyer who will moves on to the general election in her run for Sheriff of Washtenaw County, Michigan! 

Alyshia will create a sheriff’s office that respects and protects the whole community. Experiencing homelessness as a juvenile deeply informed her focus on community support and social justice. She’ll also bring her experience in social work and Detroit’s Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity Department.


And, we’re celebrating THREE big victories in the Missouri primary!

It’s time for a progressive Governor, and Crystal Quade is ready to do the work. She has led in the State House on some of Missouri’s most important fights: to restore abortion rights, stand up to corporate interests, and stop China and Russia from buying up farmland and squeezing out local farmers.

For State House, Marty J. Murray, Jr. (HD-78) now heads to the general. He is a proven servant leader who will prioritize housing, worker rights, restorative justice, gun reform, environment — and direct democracy initiatives to fix the broken Missouri Legislature!

We’re also proud to see Alfred Montgomery one step closer to becoming Sheriff in St. Louis! As sheriff, he will build a community of trust and transparency. He will bring his focus on youth and anti-poverty initiatives, and has plans for restorative justice and jobs programs for exited offenders.

This is how we deliver on the mission Bernie Sanders gave us to ‘build power from the bottom up.’ Since Bernie founded Our Revolution eight years ago, we have elected more than 1,000 progressives up and down the ballot, and we will keep it going!

We also can’t take our eye off the ball for the top of the ticket in 2024. Kamala Harris just chose a progressive VP with Gov. Tim Walz, and our movement is mobilizing NOW to make sure we defeat Trump in November.

Donate to Our Revolution’s Swing State Fund to help us build out our voter turnout operation in battleground states across the country!


When we organize, we win.

Kamala Harris chooses progressive Gov. Tim Walz as VP

By Homepage, Revolution Report


Kamala Harris chooses progressive Gov. Tim Walz as VP


Kamala Harris’ selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her VP is great news for progressives! As Bernie Sanders said, “he will deliver for the working families of the US.”


Walz is a proven progressive who has successfully delivered on reproductive rights, clean energy, stronger labor protections, paid leave, free school meals, cannabis legalization, affordable housing, and gun safety — and just as important: he knows how to beat Republicans.

Polls show Harris and Trump are TIED, but adding Walz to the ticket gives us a fighting chance. This amazing news has progressives fired up, but this is still a razor tight race and we have work to do!


Choosing a Midwesterner committed to a working class agenda will make the ticket more competitive in key battleground states — but now we need to get to work! Donate to our Swing State Fund TODAY.


“The selection of Tim Walz as the vice-presidential nominee shows the Harris campaign is listening to the voices of progressives,” Joseph Geevarghese, Our Revolution Executive Director, told The New York Times this morning.


Tim Walz — a former high school teacher, football coach, and military veteran —  defeated a six-term Republican incumbent to represent a red district in Congress before becoming a popular two-term governor.


He knows how to beat Republicans and that’s critical right now, because the polls show the presidential race is neck and neck, especially in the midwest.

Our goal is to raise $1.2 MILLION to deploy our voter turnout machine in all the swing states. For every $1 donated, we can make 5 voter contacts in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina.


With less than 100 days to go before Election Day, we need to maximize our voter outreach, break the tie in the polls, and make sure we win the electoral college to stop Trump’s return to the White House.


“Governor Walz’s strong pro-labor record and dedication to working-class issues align with our movement’s goals to take on corporate power and create an economy that works for everyone,” Our Revolution Executive Director, Joseph Geevarghese told The Guardian. “His leadership in Minnesota, from expanding workers’ rights to tackling corporate influence, showcases his commitment to policies that benefit the many, not the few.”


Joseph continued, “As we face increasing challenges both domestically and abroad, it is crucial that our leaders address the concerns of those skeptical of the United States’ support for policies that exacerbate conflict and injustice, such as the current situation in Gaza. Our Revolution stands firm in advocating for a foreign policy that prioritizes peace, justice, and the protection of human rights. We urge the Harris-Walz ticket to engage thoughtfully and meaningfully with these critical issues.”


According to a recent survey fielded by Our Revolution, respondents made clear that their enthusiasm for Harris is tied to her willingness to take on the corporate elite and powerful special interests, deliver on economic and environmental issues that directly improve voters’ quality of life and put government back on the side of working people. 


When asked which policies would turn out more voters in support of the Vice President in key battleground states and across the country, respondents ranked campaign finance reform and holding corporations accountable as their top choices. Voters want to see a commitment to getting big money out of politics and breaking the corporate capture of government to pave the way for real policy change.


The survey results indicated broad support for specific policies, including climate action (to end fossil fuel subsidies, lower energy costs, and create new jobs), health care (ending medical debt and expanding Medicare to include dental, hearing, and vision), a permanent ceasefire in Gaza (ending endless wars to redirect defense spending), and creating affordable housing (including a federal 5% cap on rent prices).

Harris v Trump survey graphic

Survey: Harris vs Trump

By Homepage, Policy Fights, Press Release, Revolution Report

Harris v Trump survey graphic


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

73 Percent of Democrats Believe a Strong, Working-Class Economic Agenda is Necessary to Boost Harris’ Chances of Beating Trump

According to the survey of more than 34,000 likely progressive voters, confidence levels of Democrats defeating Trump have more than doubled since Biden bowed out, but 1 in 3 remain unsure that Harris will prevail.


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Our Revolution, the largest grassroots-funded progressive political organizing group in the United States, is releasing the findings of a sweeping new survey of more than 34,000 Democratic voters across the country. The respondents, a subset of the organization’s grassroots network of approximately 8 million supporters in all 50 states, were surveyed via email from July 22 to 24 and again from July 29 to 31.

Half of respondents surveyed reported earning below $125,000 annually, with one third bringing home under $50,000 a year. Topline findings from the survey reveal that:

  • The vast majority of Democratic voters (85 percent) are relieved and encouraged by President Joe Biden’s decision to step aside as the Party’s nominee.
  • Nearly all respondents (94 percent) say they remain worried about a second Trump presidency.
  • 30 percent of survey respondents feel uncertain Harris can beat Trump. In a previous, post-debate survey, just 30% of Democrats expressed confidence that Biden would win re-election.
  • A strong majority of Democratic voters, 73 percent, believe that committing to a strong, working-class economic agenda will increase Harris’ chances of beating Trump.

“These results underscore the substantial boost in excitement we’re seeing with Harris at the top of the ticket, but translating this newfound energy into actual votes won’t happen on its own,” said Joseph Geevarghese, Executive Director of Our Revolution. “If Democrats are going to retain the White House in November, we have to get behind a strong, working-class economic agenda that speaks directly to the most pressing concerns of young people, progressives, and swing state voters alike — a substantial block of which are still concerned about Harris’ ability to beat Trump. These are the kind of policies that will rebuild trust and generate enduring enthusiasm that translates into votes and volunteer activism heading into the election.”

Survey respondents made clear that Harris needs to come out as a strong leader willing to take on the corporate elite and powerful special interests, who will deliver on economic and environmental issues that directly address voters’ quality of life and put government back on the side of working people.

When asked which policies would turn out more voters in support of the Vice President in key battleground states and across the country, respondents ranked
campaign finance reform and holding corporations accountable as their top choices. Voters want to see a commitment to getting big money out of politics and breaking the corporate capture of government to clear the way for real policy change.

The survey results indicated broad support for specific policies focused on climate action (to end fossil fuel subsidies, lower energy costs and create new jobs), health care (end medical debt and expand Medicare to include dental, hearing, and vision), a permanent ceasefire in Gaza (and an end endless wars to redirect defense spending), and create affordable housing (plus a federal 5% cap on rent prices). Other priorities included raising the federal minimum wage, growing unions through labor law reform, and universal childcare.

“These findings make clear that the Harris campaign’s recent reversals to oppose a ban on fracking and a single-payer health insurance program will dampen progressive enthusiasm which she will need heading into November,” Geevarghese added.

Last November, political scientists from Stony Brook University and the College of William and Mary conducted an extensive survey of the Our Revolution network to better understand the composition of the organization’s support base. According to findings, the vast majority (80 percent) of Our Revolution supporters identify as Democrats, with three-fourths of respondents reporting that, beyond just voting, they contributed money, canvassed, or otherwise directly participated in electoral activities on behalf of Democratic candidates for House, senate, or local races in the 2022 midterm elections.

Joseph Geevarghese, Executive Director of Our Revolution, is available to discuss these survey findings and the path to a Democratic victory in 2024. To schedule an interview, contact:


Our Revolution is America’s largest grassroots progressive political organizing group, born out of Senator Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential campaign. It focuses on mobilizing communities, electing progressive champions, advocating for progressive policies, and transforming the Democratic Party to serve people, not corporate interests.

Michigan slate endorsement

Michigan Endorsements 2024

By Endorsement, Homepage, MI, Progressive Champions, Uncategorized

Michigan slate endorsement

In Michigan, and it’s time to re-elect U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Layla Taha for State House (HD-25) and Alyshia Dyer for Washtenaw Co. Sheriff— all endorsed by Our Revolution. Vote by Aug. 6th.

We must protect and expand progressive power in Michigan — and that starts with voting for this inspiring slate of candidates and re-electing one of our most formidable partners in Congress.

Rashida Tlaib has been a fearless champion for a ceasefire in Gaza, racial justice, and working people. Rashida has led visionary legislation and pushed for bold changes to our unjust status quo since she began serving in the U.S. House of Representatives in January 2019.

We need to keep her voice in Congress!

Due to 2022’s redistricting, our districts have changed. Rep. Rashida Tlaib ran and was re-elected to serve Michigan’s newly-formed 12th Congressional District in Congress, which includes many communities in Wayne and southern Oakland Counties.

We’re excited to support Layla Taha for State Representative in Michigan (HD-25), whose commitment to public health is driven by her belief in prioritizing people over profits.

Layla has been part of this fight for nearly a decade as a public health advocate and community organizer, now she’s running as a progressive Democrat focused on securing quality, affordable healthcare for all Michiganders, fighting for a livable wage for working families, and delivering environmental justice to ensure residents have access to clean water and air.

Our Revolution is proudly backing Alyshia Dyer for Washtenaw County Sheriff. Alyshia has been a consistent champion of progressive values for years, and she's running to create a sheriff's office that truly respects and protects the whole community.

Experiencing homelessness as a juvenile deeply influenced Alyshia's perspective on the importance of community support and social justice. She has served as a road patrol deputy, earned degrees in social work, and gained administrative experience with Detroit's Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity Department. Let’s elect a progressive sheriff!

We have much more good work to do in Michigan! Be sure to find your in person early voting site here, and remind your friends and family to get out to vote.

Vermont slate endorsement

Vermont Endorsements 2024

By Endorsement, Homepage, Progressive Champions, Uncategorized, VT

Vermont slate endorsement

In Vermont Our Revolution has an amazing slate of progressives we’re endorsing in the state, including for State House and Senate, Lt. Governor, and, of course — U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders!


Next month will mark 8 years since Bernie founded Our Revolution and sparked a movement that has advanced a true progressive agenda at every level of government — and elected 1,000+ progressives across the country!

Now, we have an opportunity grow progressive power throughout the state of Vermont with this new slate of endorsements:

First up, Vermont State Senate! After serving as a State Rep for Essex, Tanya Vyhovsky is even more determined to make change as a member of the state senate in Chittenden-Central District.

With a background in social work and social justice, Tanya wants to make sure the voices of all people have representation.

Tanya and our entire slate of candidates in Vermont (like ALL Our Revolution candidates!) are inspiring champions for climate justice, affordable housing, living wages, universal healthcare, strong education, and fair taxation.

These are just a few of the reasons why Our Revolution is backing VT State Rep. Brian Cina for re-election in District 15.

Brian is a lifelong organizer for progressive change, who has led and served in the State House as member of key caucuses for Climate Solutions and Social Equity, as well as Co-chair of Working Vermonters Caucus. We need him to continue his good work!

And, as you know, Our Revolution is proudly supporting State Rep. Emilie Krasnow for re-election in South Burlington as well!

Emilie Krasnow and Brian Cina were part of passing a historic law in Vermont recently, forcing fossil fuel corporations to pay for the climate damage they cause rather than taxpayers.

In June, Rep. Krasnow and Vermont Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman, laid out the novel approach and how progressives can organize to pass similar legislation to hold Big Oil accountable in other states.

Our Revolution is proud to endorse David Zuckerman for re-election as Lieutenant Governor.

Zuckerman has worked with Bernie for decades, who knows the struggles faced by working people. A lifelong farmer and environmentalist, Zuckerman has experienced the devastation of climate events firsthand and seen people come together in times of crisis.

“We can’t let them pit us against each other,” David told us. “Climate affects all of us. When we unite, we are more powerful than the corporate powers. We just have to see it.”

Check your registration, request a ballot or find your polling site here.

CLICK HERE to Pledge Your VOTE! or let us know you’ve already voted!

When we organize, we win!

Our Revolution

Missouri slate endorsement

Missouri Endorsements 2024

By Endorsement, Homepage, MO, Progressive Champions, Uncategorized

Missouri slate endorsement

In Missouri Our Revolution has an amazing slate of progressives that includes Crystal Quade for Governor to seats in the State House and St. Louis Committee — and, of course, Congresswoman Cori Bush!

We’ve been proud to help grow progressive power in the state, including a progressive governing majority in St. Louis with Our Revolution Board Member Megan Green leading the Board of Aldermen.

Thanks to progressive voters like you and the hard work of local progressive leaders and organizers, cities like St. Louis have delivered real changetaking on big developers, growing labor power, and starting a universal basic income pilot program.

Now, we’ve got to protect and expand the gains we’ve made — and that starts with voting for this inspiring slate of candidates and re-electing one of our most formidable partners in Congress.

Cori Bush has been a fearless champion for peace, racial justice, and working people. After she introduced a ceasefire resolution, Big Money started pouring into the primary in a brazen effort to unseat her.

But, the progressive movement is rallying behind Cori to make sure we keep her voice in Congress, where she is fighting every day to deliver for us — she helped pass $100 million for renewable energy and has brought more than $2 billion back to Missouri’s 1st District.

“If we want a brighter future for our country and our world, we need to make change that people can feel,” Cori told us. “We build power by getting more of us in there who are willing to put our minds, our bodies and our reputations on the line to deliver equity and justice for our communities.”

It’s time for a progressive Governor that serves the people of Missouri! We hope you’ll join Our Revolution to help elect Crystal Quade — a leader in the State House on some of Missouri’s most important fights to restore our abortion rights, stand up to corporate special interests, and stop China and Russia from buying up farmland and squeezing out local farmers.

Crystal understands our struggles. She grew up on a gravel road in rural Missouri and was the first person in her family to graduate from high school, and became the Democratic Leader of the Missouri House of Reps.

Now, she’s running for Governor to take on extremists like Jay Ashcroft, who will ban abortion and give more tax breaks to the wealthiest and most privileged families like the ones they grew up in.

Our Revolution is proudly backing Ben Murray for State Rep in District 80! Ben has worked hard on behalf of progressive candidates and causes in Missouri for over 20 years (including Jason Kander and Our Rev Board Member Megan Green!).

As a Legislative Assistant in the State House, Ben has helped craft legislation and serve the needs of constituents. He enjoys comics and is a part owner of Apotheosis Comics on South Grand!

Ben is determined to make a difference on gun reform, environment, worker rights, LGBTQ+ racial justice, and so much more — including fixing the broken Missouri Legislature! The current majority is unable to pass even broadly popular measures, and Ben will work to give citizens a direct voice by protecting the Initiative Petition Process.

And we’re endorsing Bill Stephens for Missouri State House to bring people-focused representation to District 81.

A pro-choice rights ally and LGBTQ+ rights activist, Bill sponsored and passed resolutions for LGBTQ+ recognition and reproductive healthcare safety 12th Ward Alderman for the City of St. Louis.

He grew up the son of a union steelworker and learned the value of public service from his grandfather and the firefighter community. “I’m running for State Rep because I understand what our community faces. I understand struggle and the painful emotions that come with it. In short, I understand because I am the people I represent.”

For House District 78, we are excited to endorse Marty Murray for State Rep! Marty has been an educator and organizer for social issues, from raising the minimum wage to reproductive rights and criminal justice reform.

In August 2016, Marty beat a 23-year incumbent for the 7th ward Democratic Committeeman seat. In the State House, he will prioritize the expansion of Medicaid and believes “healthcare is a human right in our society.”

Marty is committed to winning campaign finance reform and reversing Missouri’s cruel abortion ban. He will champion affordable housing initiatives and seeks to address the root causes of homelessness. And with a focus on restorative justice, Marty will sponsor legislation that remove barriers to employment for individuals with criminal records.

For St. Louis Sheriff, Our Revolution is proudly backing Alfred Montgomery! Alfred has worked closely with youth and on poverty initiatives and now he’s running for sheriff to build a community that thrives on trust, transparency, and unity.

Alfred knows that the root of crime in St. Louis is high poverty and trauma. He plans to create a re-entry program to help exited offenders with training and employment goals to prevent them from becoming repeated offenders.

And last but not least! Our Revolution supports Mike Gras for St. Louis Committeeman in Ward 9.

Mike is a lawyer and former member of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen, who will be a champion for democracy, housing, reproductive rights, and top notch education for every child in the city.

We have much more good work to do in Missouri! Be sure to check your registration, request a ballot or find your in person early voting site here, and remind your friends and family to get out to vote.

CLICK HERE to Pledge Your VOTE! or let us know you’ve already voted!

When we organize, we win!

Our Revolution