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LT Gov Zuckerman Quote

Lt. Gov. Zuckerman – Transition to 100% Renewable Energy

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LT Gov Zuckerman Quote

Vermont Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman told us he and Emilie will keep pushing for legislation to transition the state’s biggest power companies to 100% renewable energy, which the Governor vetoed this round.

Zuckerman has worked with Bernie for decades, so he knows uphill battles that can be won. He’s also a lifelong farmer who has experienced the devastation of climate events firsthand and seen people come together in times of environmental crisis. 

“We can’t let them pit us against each other,” David told us. “Climate affects all of us. When we unite, we are more powerful than the corporate powers. We just have to see it.”

Early voting for the Vermont primary starts in just 2 weeks and runs through Aug. 13th, when Emilie, David, and Bernie Sanders will all be on the ballot for re-election. 

Donate any amount to make sure Our Revolution maxes out our GOTV work to re-elect Bernie and climate champs like Emilie Krasnow, and David Zuckerman in Vermont!

David vs Goliath Krasnow

Rep. Krasnow – Major Victory

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David vs Goliath Krasnow

It may be David vs Goliath, but Our Revolution candidates in Vermont just won a major victory against the fossil fuel industry — one we hope to see replicated in state after state!

The historic legislation requires oil and gas companies to pay for the climate damage they cause. “If you make a mess, clean it up,” VT Rep. Emilie Krasnow said on our Fight for the Future Town Hall.

A barrage of climate catastrophes, including torrential flooding caused billions in damage last year and was a “real wake-up call for many,” she said. “Even our Republican Governor agrees that the burden should not rest on the taxpayers — on working Vermonters, small businesses, farmers.”

LT Gov Zuckerman Quote

Vermont Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman told us he and Emilie will keep pushing for legislation to transition the state’s biggest power companies to 100% renewable energy, which the Governor vetoed this round.

Zuckerman has worked with Bernie for decades, so he knows uphill battles that can be won. He’s also a lifelong farmer who has experienced the devastation of climate events firsthand and seen people come together in times of environmental crisis. 

“We can’t let them pit us against each other,” David told us. “Climate affects all of us. When we unite, we are more powerful than the corporate powers. We just have to see it.”

Early voting for the Vermont primary starts in just 2 weeks and runs through Aug. 13th, when Emilie, David, and Bernie Sanders will all be on the ballot for re-election. 

Donate any amount to make sure Our Revolution maxes out our GOTV work to re-elect Bernie and climate champs like Emilie Krasnow, and David Zuckerman in Vermont!

Growing Uncommitted Votes Across Super Tuesday Primaries Signal Demand for Pro-Peace Leadership

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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Growing Uncommitted Votes Across Super Tuesday Primaries Signal Demand for Pro-Peace Leadership. Our Revolution Expands Efforts Urging Voters to Vote Uncommitted in Upcoming Presidential Primaries

Results in Minnesota, North Carolina, Massachusetts and elsewhere make plainly clear, in order for Democrats to defeat Donald Trump in November, Biden must realign with his voter base and listen to the diverse, progressive voices urging him to change course in Gaza.

Washington, DC As the final results from last night’s presidential primaries across multiple states on Super Tuesday are tallied, Our Revolution, America’s largest grassroots progressive political organizing group, is extremely encouraged by the strong outpouring of grassroots support and progressive activism witnessed in voting booths across the nation. 

From Michigan to North Carolina, voters have sent a resounding message demanding change and prioritizing peace and justice in U.S. foreign policy.

In Minnesota, where Hillary Clinton narrowly edged out Donald Trump by less than 2% in 2016, nearly 19% of Democrats voted “uncommitted,” totaling nearly 46,000 votes and counting. Similarly, in North Carolina, where Trump narrowly defeated Biden by less than 2% in 2020, over 13% of Democrats expressed “no preference,” surpassing 88,000 votes. On Super Tuesday, more than 255,000 individuals cast protest votes, amplifying the growing call for peace.

The recent Michigan primary saw over 101,000 Democratic voters choose “uncommitted” over Biden, in a state Trump barely won by 11,000 votes in 2016. This resounding support for the Uncommitted option is a clear indication that voters are demanding a departure from the status quo and a shift towards a more compassionate and principled approach to international relations.

Our Revolution’s Pro-Peace Voting Bloc is sending a powerful wake-up call to President Biden: To defeat Trump in November, Biden must reengage with the progressive coalition that secured his victory in 2020. This entails putting an end to unconditional support for Netanyahu’s war and brokering an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

The movement must continue to sound the alarm and keep up the pressure for peace. That’s why Our Revolution is mobilizing its 132,000 members in Washington state to vote “Uncommitted” and send another message for peace on Tuesday.

Our Revolution Executive Director, Joseph Geervarghese stated, “The surge of uncommitted votes underscores the growing dissatisfaction with the current trajectory of U.S. foreign policy, particularly in regard to the ongoing crisis in Gaza. It’s imperative that President Biden listens to the voices of the people and takes decisive action to prioritize peace and justice. Until then, Our Revolution remains committed to mobilizing our grassroots members to advocate for policies that reflect the values and aspirations of the American people.”

Joseph Geevarghese, Executive Director of  Our Revolution, is available for interview to discuss the protest vote push. To request an interview with Mr. Geevarghese, please contact:


Our Revolution is America’s largest grassroots progressive political organizing group, born out of Senator Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential campaign. It focuses on mobilizing communities, electing progressive champions, advocating for progressive policies, and transforming the Democratic Party to serve people, not corporate interests.


Special Offer: Filibustered! by Senator Merkley

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Don’t miss your chance to get this limited-time offer for a special signed copy of Sen. Jeff Merkley’s brand new book Filibustered: How to Fix the Broken Senate and Save America.

This week, Our Revolution held a live virtual book discussion with Sen. Merkley and Mike Zamore, his long-time staffer and co-author.

We learned so much about how the filibuster originated in institutional racism dating back to the slave-holders and how we can fix it to actually address the root causes of gridlock in Washington. 

Right now, the filibuster is giving Republicans veto power over the majority, but we’ve come close to fixing the filibuster as recently as 2021, and we have a path to make it happen and make our government work for all of us.

Pick up your copy of Filibustered to dig into the solutions we can press for — and help us get on the same page (literally!) as a movement for progressive change in America.


Barbara Lee Wins Plurality Support of Delegates

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Barbara Lee triumphed Saturday in the CA Democratic Party Endorsement vote for the U.S. Senate seat in California – beating out opponents Adam Schiff and Katie Porter! 

Our Revolution leaders and activists were with Barbara Lee at the convention, where she won 42% of the delegates in the endorsement vote for the U.S. Senate race. 

“I am incredibly proud and honored to receive the support of so many hard-working Democratic Party delegates,” said Congresswoman Lee. 

“From day one, this campaign has been focused on delivering the progressive agenda that working people in California deserve: a Green New Deal, single-payer healthcare, and economic, racial, social and environmental justice for all,” she said. 

“Our momentum is picking up speed, and tonight’s vote is evidence that our movement is touching people across the Golden State. The people want a tried and tested progressive with the record to prove it. I’m ready to deliver.” 

Thanks to our grassroots supporters, Our Revolution had a big showing at the convention, holding exciting progressive events with Barbara Lee and helping to organize delegates to back her candidacy! 

On Friday, we joined her for the grand opening on her booth at the Convention Center and hosted our Progressive Party with CA Working Families Party, then kept it going with a special reception with Barbara Lee in downtown Sacramento – followed by a big volunteer event on Saturday! 

Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese rallied the crowd to keep growing the upswell of progressive energy behind Barbara, which we see paying off with this major endorsement from the state party delegates! 

Thanks to our grassroots supporters, Our Revolution had a big showing at the convention, holding exciting progressive events with Barbara Lee and helping to organize delegates to back her candidacy!

For more about Barbara and to volunteer with Our Revolution’s organizing team, please visit our Progressives for Barbara Lee website and sign up today!