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Rev. Yearwood of Hip Hop Caucus quote.

Rev. Yearwood on Fossil Fuel Industry

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Rev. Yearwood of Hip Hop Caucus quote.

Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., President of the Hip Hop Caucus, inspired us all on the Fight for the Future Town Hall as he called for us to break out of our siloes and reach folks with a clear, unifying message:

“We’re on the brink. We must stop using our tax dollars to fund the madness of our extinction. As human beings, we must say, ‘No, we will not fund our destruction anymore,” Rev. Yearwood said. 

“The Trump tax breaks expire in 2025, so this is an opportunity, a critical moment in history,” he urged. “This is not a partisan issue, I don’t know anybody who wants to pay someone to poison their child.”

Every dollar you donate to Our Revolution helps us mobilize the grassroots to support crucial legislation like Bernie’s bill to End Polluter Welfare. Chip in today!

LT Gov Zuckerman Quote

Lt. Gov. Zuckerman – Transition to 100% Renewable Energy

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LT Gov Zuckerman Quote

Vermont Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman told us he and Emilie will keep pushing for legislation to transition the state’s biggest power companies to 100% renewable energy, which the Governor vetoed this round.

Zuckerman has worked with Bernie for decades, so he knows uphill battles that can be won. He’s also a lifelong farmer who has experienced the devastation of climate events firsthand and seen people come together in times of environmental crisis. 

“We can’t let them pit us against each other,” David told us. “Climate affects all of us. When we unite, we are more powerful than the corporate powers. We just have to see it.”

Early voting for the Vermont primary starts in just 2 weeks and runs through Aug. 13th, when Emilie, David, and Bernie Sanders will all be on the ballot for re-election. 

Donate any amount to make sure Our Revolution maxes out our GOTV work to re-elect Bernie and climate champs like Emilie Krasnow, and David Zuckerman in Vermont!

David vs Goliath Krasnow

Rep. Krasnow – Major Victory

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David vs Goliath Krasnow

It may be David vs Goliath, but Our Revolution candidates in Vermont just won a major victory against the fossil fuel industry — one we hope to see replicated in state after state!

The historic legislation requires oil and gas companies to pay for the climate damage they cause. “If you make a mess, clean it up,” VT Rep. Emilie Krasnow said on our Fight for the Future Town Hall.

A barrage of climate catastrophes, including torrential flooding caused billions in damage last year and was a “real wake-up call for many,” she said. “Even our Republican Governor agrees that the burden should not rest on the taxpayers — on working Vermonters, small businesses, farmers.”

LT Gov Zuckerman Quote

Vermont Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman told us he and Emilie will keep pushing for legislation to transition the state’s biggest power companies to 100% renewable energy, which the Governor vetoed this round.

Zuckerman has worked with Bernie for decades, so he knows uphill battles that can be won. He’s also a lifelong farmer who has experienced the devastation of climate events firsthand and seen people come together in times of environmental crisis. 

“We can’t let them pit us against each other,” David told us. “Climate affects all of us. When we unite, we are more powerful than the corporate powers. We just have to see it.”

Early voting for the Vermont primary starts in just 2 weeks and runs through Aug. 13th, when Emilie, David, and Bernie Sanders will all be on the ballot for re-election. 

Donate any amount to make sure Our Revolution maxes out our GOTV work to re-elect Bernie and climate champs like Emilie Krasnow, and David Zuckerman in Vermont!

Worker Organizing with the Economic Policy Institute

Worker Organizing with the Economic Policy Institute

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Worker Organizing with the Economic Policy Institute

NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo gave us a breakdown of all the major reforms her office has undertaken. And, Our Revolution Chair Larry Cohen – former President of the Communications Workers of America – joined her on a panel to talk about the impact on workplace organizing. 

The NLRB has taken great measures to support worker organizing and bargaining rights under the Biden administration, and we got to hear from Cindy Estrada, Strategic Advisor to the President of the Center for Transformational Organizing, AFL-CIO


It’s Time to Cancel Medical Debt

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Sen. Bernie Sanders and US Rep. Ro Khanna just teamed up to introduce a new bill to cancel all existing medical debt and wipe it from all credit reports!

“People in our country should not be going bankrupt because they got cancer and could not afford to pay their medical bills,” Bernie said. Read more in The Guardian. 

40% of Americans have medical debt, and it has become the leading cause of bankruptcy — even for those with health insurance. And, 25% of Americans say they’ve skipped healthcare due to costs. 

In the lead-up to the legislative introduction, Our Revolution hosted a town hall with uninsured patients struggling to make ends meet and Rep. Khanna, and did lobbying visits on Capitol Hill to shape the bill.  

This is unjust and unsustainable. It’s time for Congress to wipe the slate clean and pass the Medical Debt Cancelation Act to end the burden of sky-high medical bills once and for all.

ADD YOUR NAME: Stand with Bernie and Ro to demand an end to Medical Debt in America.

We Must Keep Up The Pressure

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The world is watching in horror as air strikes and tanks roll into the southern Gazan city of Rafah, where 1.3 million people have taken refuge from Netanyahu’s war.

Our Revolution stands in solidarity with students and helped mobilize over 600,000 “Uncommitted” Peace voters in battleground states and beyond to demand an end to the violence.  We’ve helped create outside grassroots pressure while our allies in the Congressional Progressive Caucus push on the inside to get President Biden to halt weapons to Israel in light of the Rafah invasion.  

As Bernie said, “We can no longer be complicit in Netanyahu’s horrific war against the Palestinian people.” Due to the overwhelming advocacy by our pro-Peace movement across the country, President Biden has started to shift his Gaza policy.

Our collective action is working Biden just halted a bomb shipment to Israel and said he will continue withholding weapons shipments until Netanyahu ends his ground offensive in Rafah.  

We must keep up the pressure. Demand a permanent end to U.S. complicity in the massacre in Gaza

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Half a Million Uncommitted Votes for Peace!

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Our Revolution and the Uncommitted coalition have mobilized more than HALF A MILLION votes for Peace in Michigan, Minnesota, Washington and other Democratic primaries to urge Biden to push for a permanent ceasefire and end U.S. funding of Netanyahu’s war in Gaza.

Last week, Washington State added 89,997 uncommitted votes to that total. Our Revolution was proud to reach out to our 131k members in the state through text, calls and emails, and we partnered with Rami Alkabra, Deputy Mayor of Bothell, WA and a Palestinian-American, to get the word out.

In his State of the Union speech, Biden finally called for “an immediate ceasefire to last 6 weeksand he has recently criticized Netanyahu, saying he’s “hurting Israel more than helping.” This is a start, but the Netanyahu government continues to bomb civilians and block critical supplies — and Biden’s floating aid pier off the coast of Gaza will take 30-90 days to construct.

“It’s on the president to make those changes and on the campaign to adjust, to bring these folks back in so we have the coalition that we need to be able to beat Trump in November,” Our Revolution Campaigns Director Paco Fabian told The Hill.

Let’s maintain our momentum for a PERMANENT ceasefire! Uncommitted votes in Wisconsin on April 2nd will reinforce the message: It’s time for President Biden to realign with the values of the base.


Our Revolution joins COVID memorial event

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Last week, Our Revolution joined Sen. Bernie Sanders, US Rep. Ro Khanna, and service workers from around the country for a special Covid Memorial event hosted by One Fair Wage.

“This memorial service asks us to remember not just the 12,000 service workers who lost their lives in the pandemic, but all the lives harmed by the restaurant industry’s exploitative business model built on subminimum wages, not paying benefits, and leaving workers vulnerable to abuses,” said Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese.

Bernie said:  “What Covid taught us is that if you have a lot of money in the midst of a terrible pandemic, you can retreat to your home and not get exposed, but if you’re a working person – in the service industry – there was no option. You had to go to work and put your life on the line to feed your family.”

Our Revolution is proud to stand in solidarity to fight state by state to raise wages and radically reform how the industry treats workers. “‘Our role is to pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.’ That’s what we’re called to do,” Joseph quoted legendary labor leader Mother Jones.


Our Revolution Weighs in on to Historic Protest Vote in Washington State

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Our Revolution – America’s largest progressive political action organization – is proud to stand in solidarity with American Muslim Advancement Council, UFCW Local 3000, Seattle DSA, LTM and others who helped power the Washington Uncommitted campaign.

In Washington’s primary, Our Revolution went all-out to mobilize our 132,000 supporters by phone, text, and email.  We also teamed up with Dep. Mayo Rami Al-Kabra of Bothell, WA, to record a robodial message heard by tens of thousands of voters as they got ready to head to the polls. 

Because of our coalition’s collective work, almost 10% of WA primary voters cast a protest vote against President Biden’s complicity in Netanayhu’s brutal war targeting civilians in Gaza. 

And that means nationally, nearly half a million progressive primary voters across the country have used their ballots to send Biden a message:  Change course now on Gaza or cede the White House and the future of American democracy to Trump. 

We see that our pressure campaign for Peace, here and in key battleground states like Michigan Minnesota and NC, is working. President Biden is now calling for a temporary ceasefire and signaled willingness to condition aid to Israel

These are words – not action.  In order to shore up the progressive vote, Biden must secure a permanent ceasefire by any means necessary.   

And until he does, Our Revolution will continue to show up, speak out, and carry our pro-peace movement to Wisconsin and beyond. 


SOTU: Our mobilization for peace is working. Now we’re bringing it to Washington state.

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From mobilizing more than 375,000 votes for Peace in Michigan and the Super Tuesday primaries to hearing President Biden call for a temporary “Ceasefire” and more aid for Gaza at the State of the Union — it’s been a big week in progressive politics.

Biden acknowledged in his speech Thursday that the 30,000 people killed in Gaza are primarily innocent civilians, and said he will be “working nonstop to establish an immediate ceasefire to last 6 weeks to get all the hostages released.. and build toward something more enduring.”

This is a start. But, while he’s looking to set up a pier on the coast of Gaza to deliver more food, medicine, and aid to the Palestinian people, what he did not announce was an end to U.S. support and weapons fueling Netanyahu’s War on Gaza.

That’s why we must keep up the drum beat for a true and lasting Peace. We need a permanent ceasefire ASAP.

The Uncommitted Vote is gaining momentum state by state — from Michigan to Minnesota to North Carolina, voters are sending a clear message to President Biden:  End  unconditional support for Netanyahu and broker a permanent ceasefire

Our grassroots supporters and activists have helped turnout more than 375,000 votes across the country in just over a week. And, this Tuesday is Washington state’s chance to be the next megaphone for Peace!

Our Revolution is mobilizing our 132,000 supporters in Washington to get out the vote for ‘Uncommitted Delegates’ to urge Biden to change course on Gaza and save lives.

As Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told CalMatters this week, this shift is also necessary for Biden to realign with the young voters, progressives, and voters of color who won him the White House in 2020.

“Coming off the momentum generated in Michigan, we need to continue lifting up our voices and sending a clear message to President Biden—we need a ceasefire now,” Joseph told The Daily Beast. “If he doesn’t change course, he will be putting our Democracy at risk.”

Let’s maintain our momentum – adding more “Uncommitted” votes from Washington State to the overall tally will send a powerful message:  President Biden must realign with the values of the base or risk losing peace voters in November.