In Vermont Our Revolution has an amazing slate of progressives we’re endorsing in the state, including for State House and Senate, Lt. Governor, and, of course — U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders!
Next month will mark 8 years since Bernie founded Our Revolution and sparked a movement that has advanced a true progressive agenda at every level of government — and elected 1,000+ progressives across the country!
Now, we have an opportunity grow progressive power throughout the state of Vermont with this new slate of endorsements:
First up, Vermont State Senate! After serving as a State Rep for Essex, Tanya Vyhovsky is even more determined to make change as a member of the state senate in Chittenden-Central District.
With a background in social work and social justice, Tanya wants to make sure the voices of all people have representation.
Tanya and our entire slate of candidates in Vermont (like ALL Our Revolution candidates!) are inspiring champions for climate justice, affordable housing, living wages, universal healthcare, strong education, and fair taxation.
These are just a few of the reasons why Our Revolution is backing VT State Rep. Brian Cina for re-election in District 15.
Brian is a lifelong organizer for progressive change, who has led and served in the State House as member of key caucuses for Climate Solutions and Social Equity, as well as Co-chair of Working Vermonters Caucus. We need him to continue his good work!
And, as you know, Our Revolution is proudly supporting State Rep. Emilie Krasnow for re-election in South Burlington as well!
Emilie Krasnow and Brian Cina were part of passing a historic law in Vermont recently, forcing fossil fuel corporations to pay for the climate damage they cause rather than taxpayers.
In June, Rep. Krasnow and Vermont Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman, laid out the novel approach and how progressives can organize to pass similar legislation to hold Big Oil accountable in other states.
Our Revolution is proud to endorse David Zuckerman for re-election as Lieutenant Governor.
Zuckerman has worked with Bernie for decades, who knows the struggles faced by working people. A lifelong farmer and environmentalist, Zuckerman has experienced the devastation of climate events firsthand and seen people come together in times of crisis.
“We can’t let them pit us against each other,” David told us. “Climate affects all of us. When we unite, we are more powerful than the corporate powers. We just have to see it.”
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When we organize, we win!
Our Revolution